(15 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi, my issue is somewhat similar, however, it involves just wanting to be able to use the majority of the length across an 8.5 by 11 letter size paper for chords/lyrics 2 line style via chordpro files.

basically, i don't like the fact that so many tabs/ chord sheets only go halfway across the page.  it makes songs take up more pages and space than i would like, more page turning, etc....

its tedious to drag the chords and next line down separately) to accomplish this.  the best thing i have come up with utilizes a free program called ChordSmith and importing a 2 line style song or a chordpro song (via pasting) into Chordsmith then eyeballed (or trial and erroring) how long each line of chordpro info can be and still fit/line up with the margins in my microsoft word ms word or open office document.  then i just hit the convert from chordpro button and its been working good.  be sure to always use a fixed width font like courier. 
i would like anybodys input about ways to do this pro or con and reasons why.