(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Thank you topdown...unfortunately when I go to essentials page there are 3 boxes..labeled..."old password" "new password"   and "confirm new password"........in the old password box...i enter the password sent to me in mail and it is rejected.


(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hello and thanks in advance for reading this post. Somehow, my chordie password got messed up. So I requested a new one. I was sent one, which I copied and pasted to the change password window...it will not accept the password sent to me...grrr...what do I try next?

phoephy...did u ever get this? love this and would appreciate your chords on it...

Thanks tubatooter1940. I appreciate the vid and advice. This song is so haunting, and I can't get it out of my head. Anymore info on the "ins and outs" is welcomed!
Best to all,

Thanks for taking a look here. I can find the tabs but I don't read tabs. I need the chords..It would be appreciated...Hugs..



(14 replies, posted in Acoustic)

My first post. Hello Amethystwave. I too have a special son. It's tough, but the love is special too. I bought myself a guitar for my 40th birthday and took a few lessons. My teacher said something that has always stuck with me and has been a source of strength and comfort and encouragment. He said,
"Guitar isn't something you do, it's somewhere you go." He hooked me up with my first songs, which were all John Prine since he is easy and fun.