(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Guitar strings should be the same distance from the finger board at the first and twelth frets. place one finger at the first fret and another at the twelth fret , the height should be the same if not you neck is either to tight or loose. thighten or loosen the truss rod until height is equal.  Hope this helps

My suggestion is to initially learn all the major, minor and 7th chords in the first position from any chord book or chart, then learn them in second and third positions up the way up the neck, with with this knowledge alone you can play rhythm to every song ever written except Jazz.  From there scales and modes, penatonic scales are very usefull, also major, minor and blues scales will really get you most places you need to go.
Good luck and good practise


(16 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Yes Best to detune one whole tone and capo at 2nd fret, better still buy an electric 12 string dont have the stress problem as much no real need to detune and plugged in they can be acoustic or electric you get the best of both worlds
good luck