(4 replies, posted in Poems)

[tag]Where shadows lie there lies the snow.
Glassy ice makes going slow.
One false move and I'll be down.
Breaking bones on frozen ground[/tag]

Amazing bro! It touched my heart!

keep it up! smile

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(12 replies, posted in Bands and artists)


Harrison is my favorite artist!

[img]http://image3.examiner.com/images/blog/ … 1.jpg/img]

Well! i'm giving you a link.You can download all songs of Beatles.

Link: http://www.mp3.com/artist/the-beatles/summary/


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(9 replies, posted in Song requests)


I'm Basu! Big fan acoustic guitar!

Here is a link. It will helpful and u will find all abt guitar chords! smile

LINK: http://www.hotguitarchords4free.com/

You have to practice a lot! Try to enjoy ur guitar!

Thank You!

vw steering rack