(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

mekidsmom wrote:

Maybe the mods can also delete this post from he who was banned?

Sockmonkey... hmmm... now what are you going to get???  It's better if you go in yourself and check them out... get a feel for them... what is nice to fret, sounds nice, etc!  happy hunting!

It was a busy holiday weekend we couldn't take the time to head to Hilo to have the shop take a look at the action. I've been reassured by a few people that the guitar is in fact fine and that I'm just neurotic.

The justinguitar lessons are going well... and my fingers hurt. Pretty awesome.

Thanks everyone.



(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Zurf wrote:

That string thing is normal.  It keeps your strings from buzzing on the frets closer to the bridge when you finger notes.  If it's a LOT further away, you should think about getting a professional set-up on your guitar. 

- Zurf

Thanks Zurf... I checked with the guy who recommended this Alvarez to my wife to buy for me and he said that the strings are just kinda high on this guitar. Whew! Today was the last day we were able to return it.




(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks to all for the warm welcomes and kind advice. I'll be spending some time at justinguitar.com over the next while for sure. I'm especially glad to have some direction when it comes to youtube guitar videos. There's an overwhelming number of such things and I was starting to get a little ADD with them.

The best advice in this thread so far was something I hadn't thought of and I feel a little silly. Listen to the original music. So simple! Why didn't I think of that? It turns out that sampling iTunes songs is enough to get a sense of the song (even tho I just bought a copy of Peter Paul and Mary's "This Land is Your Land") without spending a $1 to buy it. So thanks to NELA for that. I've started marking up the words (in red with accents) after listening to both PM&M and Woodie Guthrie versions. Hopefully someday in the not too distant future it'll sound like a song.

Ok my next question of what will probably be many more... Should the strings of my guitar be the same distance away from the frets all the way down the neck? The closer to the bridge my strings are a little further away. Does that matter? My neck isn't warped already is it?

Thanks again to everyone.



(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Merry Christmas everyone.

I apologize if this has been asked a million times... I did a quick search and either found it tough to find a good search term... or just couldn't find an answer very quickly.

My wife bought me a guitar for christmas and I've been goofing around with it for part of the day. Many years ago I learned a few chords and can sorta change between them randomly.

I've got a couple questions related to the songs listed on this site.

First is about the difference between where the first cord of a song is placed. For example:

                 C                              G
This land is your land, this land is my land.


Em                            G                   D
No one knows what i's like, to be the bad man

What does it mean that the C in the first song starts on "your" but the Em starts right away on the second song?

               C/D               A9
To be the sad man, behind blue eyes

I've also seen a few times a notation like C/D. What does the slash represent?

I've been researching strumming patterns on the web most of the day and have found many great tutorials. What I can't quite figure out how do you know which one to use for a a particular song?

Thanks for your help in advance,
