(14 replies, posted in Electric)

ok Web - in my opinion, I would stick to 10's, not to thick for electric; but also not too thin like 9's and they give you a thicker tone than 9's and are easier to bend than any other thicker gauge - also stick to ernie balls, I have found them to be very excellent for me!

Hope that has helped! :]


(8 replies, posted in Electric)

Usky and Doug, you have completely avoided what he needs - he cant google this stuff because his internet is bad!!

I would recommend lick library, they do a few artists that you might like! Or try and find a few music stores when you reach dry land! xD



(7 replies, posted in Electric)

Hi Flash,

you should practice every scale you can, but start off by using your minor and major scales, then moving onto more complex scales like the pentatonic, myxolidian, lydian, dorian etc...
it depends on what sort of music you play, but its all down to personal opinion to be honest! :]



(1 replies, posted in Electric)

Well, you can, but not simply.

Two parts: silencing the speaker, and then listening on headphones.

You can pull one of the wires off the speaker, that will make it silent. Make sure to put tape over the little metal connector on the end of the wire, so it doesn't touch anything.

Alternatively, you can push an unwired plug into the POWER AMP IN jack. That disconnects the preamp and so would also silence the speaker.

Now to listen. The amp itself won't drive headphones, but if you have a litttle mixer, it probably has phones jack on it. Plug a cord from the amp PREAMP OUT jack to an input on the mixer. Use the mixer as a headphones amp.

Hope that helps! :]


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I guess its just down to what you see on the forums tbh - its a guitar site, so I dont see why you'd need to, but heyy: thats just my opinion xD


(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

hi flappy (great name XD)

here it is on youtube, obvious place to look i know, but if you like it; i could make a vid on guitar if you want and post it - anyway E,  B, C sharp minor, then into A


All the Best,

chordiehelper123 =p


(2 replies, posted in Electric)

i would tend to agree in most ways tony - but i feel that jazz is more climb, yet blues is more of the struggle.  how well you play them however -  depends what kind of a mood your in, yes there are chords which are hard to play involved in playing jazz, but an easy jazz sounding chord progression which i use in standard 12 bar timing (4/4) is:

                repeat twice
             x2             x1       
E|           5               5           |            7               5             |              5                    0
B|           5               5           |            7               5             |              5                    0
G|           6               5           |            7               5             |              6                    1 
D|           5               4           |            6               4             |              5                    0
A|           7               5           |            7               5             |              7                    2
E|           5               x           |            x               x             |              5                    0

            A7                                                                                                              E7

Anyway hope that helped you understand where im coming from - by the way, A7 - B7 - A7 - C7 is the backing track to the main posted lick, again 4/4 timing; standard progression.

Hope this helps you out,

chordiehelper123 =p

lol yer i have the same problem i'm from uk - last time i checked the u.k was in the u.k XD

chordiehelper123 =p


(2 replies, posted in Electric)

Hey Everybody.

Heres a post for blues, and even some jazz players out there who want to learn a blues/ jazz lick on the guitar.

Firstly play this in 4/4 timing / 120 bpm, if you dont understand timing - this please ask and i'll happily make a new post! Also if you can't read tab - which this is, i would be also glad to do the same!

Anyways Blues And Jazz Are similar in a lot of ways depending what way you look at it - they both include long improvisation on the guitar / other instruments, mainly trumpets, organs etc.. but playing these styles of music is sometimes hard if you cannot' feel' the music, so progressing is difficult and long winded. Like so many other good players i have met - you have come onto this blog hopefully finding the 'lost progresion' unfortunatly no this is not it, but its a good lick none the less!. So here i am showing you how to play a little lick that i learned.    This  is in the key of A  (5th fret)   

HI E         |                            |
               \/  PLAYED TWICE  \/                                     
E |                      5 |                            |   7                     |    5                        |                           5   |
B |            5   7      |              5   7   5   |         9               |           7                 |                 5   7        |
G |      5-6             |        5-6                |               7         |                  5u        |          5-6                 |
D |   7                   |    7                       |                      9  |                         7   |      7                        |
A |                        |                             |                          |                              |                               |
E |                        |                             |                          |                              |                               |
Low E

( the hyphon " - " is represented as a hammer-on and " u " is represented as a slight string bend)

Ok yes i am terrible at making tabs - oh well! this is only a rouge guide to help people anyway - have fun!

All the Best,

chordiehelper123 =p


(3 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hey x4pickuptruck, i have created a disscusion page about this - strumming patterns for learners - hope this helps,

chordiehelper123 =p


(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thankyou all for the comments and will be making new posts soon! Also I have Noted About the DDUUDU pattern i practiced his and helped my country playing alot. Have a great time,

chordiehelper123 =p


(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

As we all know, Strumming, is a hard thing to master - but a few simple exercises and techniques to help people through, i thought, would be an excellent topic.

When People Talk about exercises on the guitar they tend to shy away / come off that site quickly beacuse they want to learn fast complex things when they have only picked up a guitar, but let me give you a chunk of advice - NEVER EVER STOP PRACTICING! , this is a soul thing when playing on any instrument, ask any pro; they will all agree.

Anyway, back to my subject, Strumming Patterns - love them hate them, gotta' learn them

Here are a few that have helped me (letters in brackets are represented chords)

                   (G)                                       (D)               
1)                DOWN, DOWN,  UP DOWN UP DOWN DOWN,   

                   (E)         (G)         (D)            (A)   
2)                DOWN,  DOWN,   DOWN UP    DOWN DOWN

3)                DOWN UP DOWN DOWN UP DOWN

4)                UP DOWN UP UP DOWN UP

                   (D)                (A)       (E)
5)               DOWN DOWN UP UP DOWN UP

Big thankyou to Pix (moderator) For No. 5 on the list it has helped me alot,

Hope this helps all chordie viewers like it helped me!

All the best,
                           chordiehelper123  =p