Sorry if my posting's intent has been misunderstood.  It was brought about after reading of a "mid-term" election team using a shared site to locate voters who could be swayed to their person.  It was not ment to be negative to this site, or to the music we all love, and had nothing to do with the ideas shared.  I just feel it is wrong when our computer's can be turned into individule Watergates, and a company can access info. not related to this site for their own use.

and Steve Earle stated he tried to copy and was unable to figure out.  Later Guy Clark showed him how to do it.  As an ardent fan of all 3 I have tried to find out what Steve was trying to copy.  He said that prior to Guy Clark showing him the picking style, he finger picked over the areas it was used on.
Any ideas would be appriciated !

I have to voice a concern over the quickly stated comments our goverments leaders have made recently about monitoring the internet for possable terroist and other illegal activities.  I, along with the other 99.99% of concerned citizens in our great country, support the work our law enforcement agents do to keep us all safe, BUT, opening the door to the net is the same as opening the doors to our home.  Sites such as this can be used to scan our computers without our knowledge or permission.  I have nothing to hide, but hands that are getting to old to do really goey turnarounds at the 8th bar, and I did my duty in a rotten stinking jungle (and unlike many TV shows seem to beleve today, we did not sit around reading porno and getting stoned in a bunker nicer than a motel 6) and I was able to watch on TV what happened to people our govt. agencies promised to support and protect as the last chopper tried to take off but went down because so many people were trying to hold on to the skids.  I love America but when you get right down to it,  The people in charge have not changed that much regardless of which side you vote for, do we want them scanning our lives, I know I don't but is it to late already?