(38 replies, posted in JamPlay.com)

Hey everyone,

I've been a member of JamPlay since August of 2009, and it's been incredible!

Also, I've become friends with the owners, and decided to create a website to help spread the word (and earn a little extra from their referral program to feed my iTunes addiction). smile

I made a video tour of my account if you'd like to see inside without signing up. Plus, I found a 25% off coupon code that will save you $4.99 on your first month if you decide to give it a shot.

Here's the page with the video tour of the members-only area and the $5 off coupon code if you're interested:

Let me know if you have any questions about JamPlay! I'd be happy to help,

The 2nd clip was awesome. Thanks guitarpix!


(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I have been playing a Takamine EGS330-SC for about 6 years or so, and I LOVE it! Highly recommend it...