(28 replies, posted in Song requests)

I definitely see what you're saying zguitar, but the way I look at it is... If I start learning a song to play for her now... I will be able to play it for her EVENTUALLY. If I don't start... I won't ever be able to. Better now than never...


(28 replies, posted in Song requests)

Thanks a lot AccoustikNoyz. Crazily enough(I don't know if crazily is a word but you know what I mean) she actually really likes Chasing Cars and it's one that I've tried playing a few times... It's tough because I'm just starting out, but it is one I would love to be able to play. Thanks a lot for the instruction on it. That's easier than the way I've been trying! 

Thanks again!


(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

This song was suggested to me in another thread and I cannot find lyrics or anything to it. Any help would be appreciated.


(28 replies, posted in Song requests)

I really like Wonderful tonight and Romeo and Juliet, but I cannot find ANYTHING on Kieran Halpin... No lyrics no nothing. I found keiranhalpin.com, but that doesnt give me anything useful... Any links or advice?


(28 replies, posted in Song requests)

AccoustikNoyz... Thanks for the help, but I'm in the navy, and unfortunately on my boat I cannot access youtube... Can you post the names of the songs? Thanks again.


(28 replies, posted in Song requests)

Thanks a lot. I read the lyrics and it does sound really good. I'll just have to try to get my hands on a copy of the song. Thanks again!


(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

You're probably right and that's probably why I haven't been able to stick with it in the past. I would try to play one song and get no where(or not where I wanted to be) and I would quit. Maybe if I mix it up some and atleast show a little improvement in a couple songs maybe I'll have the motivation to stick with it... Crossing my fingers...


(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks guys, and will do. I've been practicing every day for about an hour for the last two weeks. My only real problem is that I'll play one song (such as Broken by Seether) and then I start to practice other songs (like I'll Be by Edwin McCain). Is this a good thing, switching it up some, or is it better to stick to one until you have it down?


(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hey guys... I guess all I really need is words of encouragement. I was given my first guitar when I was... 16 I believe. I'm 23 now and cannot play any of my three guitars. That's right. I bought two more. The first one I was given was a gift, and it's actually a pretty rare guitar (or so i'm told.) It's a b.c. rich warlock but it's a really uncommon one. I haven't been able to find the same one anywhere... Anyways. A few years later I bought a cheap acoustic to learn on, and then a cheap electric to learn on, but the problem is... I play for about a month and make a little improvement, but nothing drastic, then I get discouraged and quit. A year later I do the same thing. Six months later same pattern. I've been playing pretty consistently for the last two weeks or so now, and I've noticed more improvement than I ever did before. I just don't want to fall into the same pattern. I think if I could just master one song I would be able to lift my spirits and it would give me the drive i need to keep going. Does anybody know any good songs for someone like me? Right now I'm learning Broken by Seether which is very easy because it's just Em C and D. I've gotten a LOT better at switching between the chords, right now I'm really working on the strumming(which is killing me). Any help would be awesome guys! Thanks alot!


(28 replies, posted in Song requests)

Me and my girlfriend recently broke up...Ok. She broke up with me lol. We're still talking and we're actually getting to be closer now than we were and I do foresee us getting back together. Which is great, because I am still deeply in love with her. My question is what would be a good song(preferably an easy one because I am an absolute beginner) that I could play for her at this point in our relationship? All help is GREATLY appreciated!