That is very awesome! I totally like the picks and the design you did. Very Cool
1 2009-07-20 05:23:22
Re: Acoustic Soundport Project w/pics (48 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
2 2009-07-20 05:18:02
Topic: Which song lyrics have more meanings? (5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Ok so would you all say that songs from the heart are alot mor powerful than songs that people can just dance and sing to? Well believe it or not but alot of people are convinced that a message is better through an up beat song than song lyrics from the heart. Why is this? I would much rather listen to a song that was written out of emotion than a song talking about gettin your groove on....ya know? Maybe its just me bein a girl for love and romance and free spirit and peace...not the mind of sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll.
3 2009-07-20 05:12:14
Re: What was your first song? (173 replies, posted in Acoustic)
My first song was " come now is the time to worship" It is such a powerful song...altho it took me forever to pick up on strumming patterns and timings:)
4 2009-07-20 04:43:44
Re: fairy tale (3 replies, posted in Poems)
This was a powerful piece of work...Good job! I loved it
5 2009-07-20 04:41:20
Topic: Why does my acoustic buzz? (3 replies, posted in Acoustic)
When I am playing a song the Top E string buzzes. I have no clue why. Its a gibson acoutic and it was fine until the 4th time I changed strings...Im new to the guitar thing and need some advice.
6 2009-07-20 04:35:17
Re: "This Is What Dream Are Made Of" (10 replies, posted in Songwriting)
This was so eays thank you so much