(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I'm hoping to raise as much money as I can to donate to the ASPCA and to the local shelters. I believe that no animal should live in homes that people neglect them. I don't know what I can do to raise money. I don't have anything I own to sale. What can I do? Thanks, God Bless!


(4 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Everybody I know says I sing really good. I don't have a band. I'm still in high school (home school)! What is the best way for me to get a record deal? Since I'm home schooled I can travel. I know some record labels will turn me down, like they did with Taylor Swift. I could really use a band. If any of you know who's looking for a lead singer for a country music band, please reply. By the way I'm from Mt. Joy, PA! Thanks, God Bless.


(20 replies, posted in Song requests)

do any of you know who sings sad song about people ditching you or in other words leaving you behind, not paying attention to you? make sure the songs are easy to play and the artists sing some sort of country music. I can't play F, Bm, and other chords like that. Please help me out with the songs!!!! Thanks, God Bless!!!!


(0 replies, posted in Song requests)

i love the song "where did i go right" by the warren brothers! i think the song is a little sad. i always ask myself "where did i go right" but i can never answer that question.(lol) Please help me find the chords. thanks!!


(0 replies, posted in Song requests)

This one country singer Jasmine Morgan, she sings the best, but I really want the chords/lyrics to her songs. She sings "Love Me" "One Kiss" "Carry Me" and many more. She's not on chordie. I have no idea where I can find her lyrics/chords. Thank You!!!!


(7 replies, posted in Song requests)

My sister wants to play love songs to her boyfriend that are easy to play, please help find some!!!!!


(0 replies, posted in Song requests)

I so bad want the chords/lyrics to "Might Have Been" by Steve Holy!!! He called me on Nov. 22 at 1:06pm the day after I saw him, ain't that cool! If you don't believe me just ask Steve.


(0 replies, posted in Song requests)

I so bad want the chords/lyrics to "Isn't That Everything" by Danielle Peck!!!


(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

I so bad want the chords to "Butterfly Fly Away" By Miley Cyrus, the best singer in the world!!!!