(1 replies, posted in Poems)

he knows he is wrong it was his fault
Now were fighting truth i love him
And he loves me this world is strange

I feel pain for the words unsaid
He is saying things to me they make me feel like a little kid

Please help me i need comments


(1 replies, posted in Poems)

It hurts to see how time kills
I wish you that you where here by my side
My friends say he's a joke
But in my world he has my heart

He held me tight when I felt like crying
He beat up the guy that flirted with me in the hall
I was down and about to fall he came behind and grabbed my hand
I miss him

I want to fell his hand on my face
the warmth from your hug
I wish i could go back to when we parted
And fix what went wrong
but your gone now and i miss the colonge on my pillow
i miss your lips on mine

but time went by and you left me hear
I am picking my up peices of whats left of me
You were mine at once but now you are gone


(3 replies, posted in Poems)

I once lived my little fairytale world now I am screaming in my sleep .My dreams are getting more real. The voice in my head says run for it but my heart says stay for him.
Now I am screaming in my dreams saying go to him tell him the truth but my brain is saying no just go it’s all over for us now. You know it’s not true because when you love someone you can’t live without them there to hold your hand when something is wrong or when your scared out of you’re mind and need someone to hold you and say it
‘s okay last but not least when all fails to be the person to be thru hell and back for you  and still say I love you more than my own life. Each breath I take without him I feel deader. I try to stand but I fall to the ground like the dreams I once had that are now are my worst nightmares I wish I could live life without sleep to remind me of what they are.  Without you there to say I love you I am as dead and lifeless like a wish without the dream and the person to make it happen.