First may I add that I saw on the forum,"have you been conned by Claude Johnson.1st,does it matter what clothes he wears or whether he sits or stands? Jeff Healy,blind,dura with a guitar on lap & blows us all away.I have been in PERSONAL contact with Claude,& never pressured to buy DVDs but still get great tips,riffs,basically -"do it this way",& it works.So I can only assume it's sheer amatuers expecting what nintendo rock star colour follow marks are taken as "Im a rock star".I am in late 40's & played since 16,& still claim to be a learner,as we all are!!! Anyway,to go to justin haywards Forever autumn posting.The chord inputer puts his post then asks if middle lead can ve posted? Great.I can't give tab on the Internet connection I have but my way since 79/80? Has been- words /the summer sun is fading as the years grow old,& darker days are drawing near,My life will be forever autumn,now your not here.-Chords-Am(the pickout riff is on Am-easy,),Year(G),(F)&darker(Fm?neT that if fart about basic chords)days....near(G),my(F)......ever autumn(G),Now your not here(Am).
Like the sun thru the trees(Am,Bb,Am).love me.blew away-ay-at-ay...ay!(F).
Repeat verse & chorus.the tab is based on (Am,G,F,G,F,G,----Am).If I could upload video of lead play etc I would but I have felt personally comfortable with this.I'm no master lead guitarist but I've played this way with no complaints.Another addition to a song I looked up as it's been 25 plus years since played & again it didn't work to me? Bob Dylan.Forever young ?!? I play,May god bless...-(G). (D)wishes,(C)always..(d)do for you(g).G.D.-stay(C-D-G)young. May I say my top brand guitars(Gibson les paul,Fender strat,telecaster(vintage-owned by now gone super guitarist of early 70's),& 2 fender acoustics,deep jumbo & lighter but perfectly enjoyable to play)),have actually mostly been boxed & stored as I have Been a chairperson director & primetime DJ of a polular radio station(my 3rd since  2002),& if I commit my services wether it be radio,band member,promoter,manager,(which I've got good experience in most but hive my all to them),so my occasional chordie search is for maybe a requested band/solo live set,or just to recall long time played & forgotten songs,only to find some dont fit .The main artistes songs I find are 90% wrong are pink floyd/roger waters/David gilmour stuff,as certain circumstances give ne privy to actual chording & tab to many from the late great Syd sad loss of Rick Wright days when Roger went his own way.But solo or Floyd have been continued to be provided with actual sheet music to favourites.May I end in saying I do not knock anyones input as I could be wrong on some & vice versa.I only put in my ways & hope they help people in early stages who find a sing input confusing coz it may be wrong?!?!? Rock on everyone.Rock on for a great music archive of tab & chord & words through the ages. Chasmack!!

Whilst searching through certain chorded songs,first I've came across chordie listing as CHORDS or TABS but when clicking CHORDS I get mostly tab? But,due to a private privelaged distant relative of an ex pink floyd member,I came across BRAUN DAMAGE,(with full eclipse added but won't go that far).
Playing along with live.recorded versions of Brain Damage the chords are : D (the lunatic...)grass G7....Remembering(D)daisy(E or slide up the D 2 frets for good fx),got to(A7),path(D).
Chorus(D7-G)and if...many(A or Am),C,G.(A or Am),C,G. Ooh(Bm)ooh(Em)ooh(A) to D again & repeat through song until eclipse(D-D7-Bb-A)all that you touch etc .Play these chords to studio,roger waters live ,David gilmours pink floyd live,& recent David G remember that night/gdansk & all are same.There is no dark side of the moon really.Matter of fact it's all dark.RIP Rick Wright.


(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Chordie is a wonderfull site to learn songs you've always wanted to
play.Keep onto great source to me in my plan to record cover track cd .Saw many unsigned band postings.Try us for a possiblility of being a signed band & bookings anywhere in world your at by logging onto www.***** hosted by musicians from a top charitable professional rehearsal & professional recording studio.See the website for www.***** ( & click on unsigned bands link).We aim to get you noticed!!!


(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I tried this 3 decades approx ago & compared to postings that didn't seem to work for me as a listener more than a player at the time,if Dylan,I found this way. Lay lady lay,lay across my big brass bed.Being G,Bm,F,C. To Whatever colours u have in your mind (whatever,Still on C,to D (colours)You have G (in your mind),C,G,C,G,),D- I'll show them (Em)to you.& you'll (G)(C.G,C.G,
then back to top & so on .An early pickup version though doesn't play along to Dylan that most of my learned tracks are matched to originals in many genres & recorded & multi tracked with synth ,drums,bass,lead solos & 2 cd albums have been pro recorded in a top CHARITY DRIVEN Music studio with top class recording studios & pro recording & sound engineers.(these few tracks I go back many years to with chordie are just methods I found worked in late 70's.Although now I write own stuff or cover great classic rock tracks to a T & Been in a few semi pro bands & played uk wide live gigs.
  A NOTE I HOPE CHORDIE WILL POST.I see a lit of songs by undinged bands etc.I AM A 9 YEAR EXPERIENCED RADIO DJ FOR ROCK AND I WAS SIGNED UP TO JOIN AN INTERNET BASED "NEW",EADIO STATION THATS AIM IS FROM BITH THE CHARITY STUDIOS & MY PERSONAL SUCCESS AS A PROMOTER AND MANAGER OF UNSIGNED BANDS.with 4 bands since 2002 being booked uk wide & taken over by top agents,& if your on a rock OR pop band,log onto www.***** & check the website As well as listen to Apollo all via website & if rock you will see Big Mack Rock Show,& I deal with demos sent to us in the rock genre & other music is my partner & chairman of said studios,& our aim is to assist unsigned bands get promotion & uploaded demo's aired worldwide & also special interest bands can be taken on to get as much publicity & if in uk or available to travel ,can possibly be setup with a host if venues to play live.& much more.Any unsigned bands check out www.***** & all info is on that website as wr as listening to our station.For rock bands it's Friday nights 9pm until 11pm UK time with myself Big mack rock dj/promoter/& temp manager of some great bands now with top agent contacts.Be heard on www.***** Chas Mack (aka Big Mack),with track history as well as partner in other genres . Thanks


(0 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I have played this song of many beatles since 1979,& on chordie saw 2 versions.Version 2 is best but misses one chord change,& version 1 doesn't sound right on starting chord.V-1 has verse & riff as Dm7.I didn't think that right & feel a Dm should be the riff chord .Also at "Come Together....",a B doesn't seem right either.A Bm fits great.Personally I am left handed but I prefer barring to open chords.& think after Bm it's to G to A & back to Dm. 2nd version was better but seemed to
miss one chord Again at " come together ..... " it sounds better as Bm to G to A & back to Dm.Feel free to correct me but I played it on acoustic & electric,both versions & on each,one chord as stated makes a big difference. From Big Mack musician & radio Rock music disc jockey.feel free to .Chas Mack