to be precisely correct to the post's title, I'll submit:
Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
</spelling rant>
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Guitar chord forum - chordie → Posts by gschoppe
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to be precisely correct to the post's title, I'll submit:
Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
</spelling rant>
banana phone by raffi!!!
Message to You, by the BeeGees
Operator, by Manhattan Transfer
Operator, by Jim Croce
Never There, by Cake
Fire and Rain, by James Taylor
Kilkelly, by Peter Jones
Never Mind, by Stephen Herreid
Unfortunately, that was the Five Spice Cafe's address... it used to have AMAZING pan-asian cuisine, but I discovered just after posting that it burned down in 07...
Here's a simple, but expensive ethnic recipe, specifically tooled for Are1222...
-Go to 175 Church St. and order any and everything on the menu... bring it home... pass it off as homemade...
</Inconsolable Lamentation>
I'm a Vermonter, St Johnsbury, to be precise, but not good enough for a band yet... although there's a pretty good music scene up in the northeast kingdom
unfortunately, the guy recording was a bit amateur, and the guitar is basically just what bled onto both vocal tracks... so the level of control necessary is not really present from this recording,
but as an example of what could be done with some real studio time, I couldn't be prouder of/for my friends.
thanks for the comments... I'll pass them on.
My friend Stephen Herreid, who is far more awesome than me in musical ways, just did a recording with another friend of mine, Brianna Hahr... She has never really sung for anyone else, and is a bit bashful when it comes to her voice, so the resulting track was about the last thing I was expecting...
Check this out, tell me what you think, and I'll relay any comments/suggestions/questions to the artists:
Mr admin, that is an awesome stance to have... a lot of places are much more limiting in their acceptance of people adding functionality in a third party way...
...also, on the legal front, if such a feature were added, as long as the final formatted songs were not logged, you have no obligation to copyright. It's like with google translator... even if you run translate HHG2G to german, google has no obligation to Douglas Adams
...going a step further, in America, at least, if the resulting songs are only made available to the registered user who entered them, and you have a DMCA notice regarding no copyrited material, and that you are not liable for what others upload, your legalities are covered under the DMCA, as long as you do respond to valid DMCA takedown notices.
oh, and I will add a link to chordie asap.
I am interested in chordie's specific rendering engine, as it's the simplest, most feature rich tab + chord chart format I've seen... I am more interested in reformatting tab that exists in other formats to chordie's layout to print and store... Obviously, I can't use the forum to do so, due to copyright issues and the lack of tuning/transposing options in the song BBCode tag... so I wrote a script that takes a chopro formatted text and feeds it through chordie's print.php script to produce a page with chordie's formatting....
I posted it because I wanted to know if it was ok to use Chordie's rendering engine to create my custom printouts, using this script... try out my link, if you need a cleared explanation...
oddly enough, in Japanese there are two words, Anno an etto (with extended o's) that function in the same way, as "hesitation noises". This may not be cultural at all, rather simply part of the way our language centers cope with a buffer underflow...
computer -> brain analogy = awesome!
I was wondering, is it a problem to use chordie's system to render other chopro files, like so:
If so, I'll pull the page, however its something I'd love to see as an official feature.
that's all his older stuff... unfortunately, he's a bit of a luddite, and hasn't updated... some of the newer stuff has been stuck in my head for 6+ months.
unfortunately, the work is one of my best friends' song... i have oral permission to post, but just in case he was too tired to remember (he may have been, this was at 3am) I'm gonna pull the chopro... sorry.
<Song removed by poster... possible copyright issues>
I'm just trying to figure out Chopro, and needed a testing ground to render my tab... so either ignore this thread, or use it to do the same... post and edit to get your chopro right.
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Guitar chord forum - chordie → Posts by gschoppe
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