(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I've been using Pandora since about 2007. Last month I reached my 40 hour limit on Pandora xD. Great site, although it's getting to be ridiculous with all the ads..


(13 replies, posted in Electric)

My friend Cam is looking to buy an electric. He doesn't know how to play but he wants to learn. He is looking for a nice electric within the $200 range. He asked me for help, so now I'm asking you guys. I'd like to find something for him that isn't cheaply made, but doesn't cost too much. Something that won't turn him away from playing. Any suggestions?? Anything would be a help

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I have read it so many times and it never gets old.


(13 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I have a Westone Spectrum ST from '86. I love it, and all my friends that have played it love it, too!
I'm not sure where you could get one though.

I have seen then online for around $200-300, but buying online is not the best idea,,I learned that the hard way hmm
Anyways I wish you the best of luck on your guitar search!

Well I was flippin through the channels and for some reason I stopped on the spanish channel which was airing music videos. They showed quite a few videos of this band "Heroes Del Silencio". I had never heard of them and, despite the fact I couldn't understand the lyrics, I thought they were pretty good! I'm not sure that no one's heard of them though, they might be popular in other countries and among Spanish-speaking people.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

There is a reason for everything. I'm sure that a new and better opportunity will arise.


(7 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Syd1994 wrote:
megs1995 wrote:

i really like them, i bought their album on cd and the playing isnt brilliant, i can play the basss to most of the songs and im a guitarist but youve got the love the rebellion
its now one of my favourite album and is never far from my cd player
its a shame british punk has died, john lydon is now doing butter adverts so maybe punk is dead
still, im 14 and trying to carry the spirit of punk

really? butter adverts? I can't believe it!
do you think you could provide a link or something?

Nevermind. I just looked it up on youtube and I died a little inside.

here it is~


(7 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

megs1995 wrote:

i really like them, i bought their album on cd and the playing isnt brilliant, i can play the basss to most of the songs and im a guitarist but youve got the love the rebellion
its now one of my favourite album and is never far from my cd player
its a shame british punk has died, john lydon is now doing butter adverts so maybe punk is dead
still, im 14 and trying to carry the spirit of punk

really? butter adverts? I can't believe it!
do you think you could provide a link or something?

bensonp wrote:

You never get good at it.  I think it out for months before actually buying it.  Just bring it in the house when she's not there and hope she won't notice the extra one.



(7 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

So what do you guys think of them?
I just bought a sex pistols tape for 52 cents and as I was listening to it i wondered what people on chordie have to say about them.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That's a pretty cool site. Thanks for posting!

I'd have to agree with you Ken
Syd Barrett-The Madcap Laughs 

I have never loved music as much as I do the music on this record. I can listen to it constantly and never get sick of it.


(20 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I tried signing in an it did that. Just opening the page gave me that message.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Just starting high school and freshman orientation day was today...the school looks like a maze that Ronald McDonald walked through and waved his magic french fry and painted the walls. It's all purple and pink and yellow and red and blue...and very confusing. So anyways, they gave us our schedules, and mine is completely messed up.
I was supposed to be taking drawing 2 second semester, but i guess they decided to sign me up for web-page design..and then instead of "intro to fitness" (which I just want to get over with) they scheduled me for computer application, and that's not something I like..at all.

And I can't just call the school and tell them about it. I have to go to the office ans schedule an appointment with guidance to talk about, and then hope they fix things. And doing this will change my whole schedule.

Besides all this, I can't even open my locker because it's the confusing dial kind.

Has anyone else had these kind of experiences>?

I feel so stressed out right now by all this, everything is so confusing and complicated.


(54 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Are1222 wrote:
dfoskey wrote:

I've never heard of it. Is it a movie about the Beatles?

yup its kind of a rock musical it really good

It's not about The Beatles but it all revolves around their music.


(79 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)



(11 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

The Pink Floyd, Nirvana..those are the top two

I have hear some good new bands but nothing that I think will ever have a major lasting impact on music..but you never know...

Music just isn't what it used to be.

Another thing I tend to do is change the song up in places I can't play, but I feel like I'm cheating in a way when I do that. Like I'm preventing myself from learning something new.


(54 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Omg I know many people will disagree with me, but


(27 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Are1222 wrote:
Syd1994 wrote:

Yes I love Nirvana! not many people my age do

Yeah...nobody around here likes the same kinds of music i like, and if they do, they either can't play an instrument  or they don't want to join a band.

Let me know if you get a band started!

It's really too bad you live so far away.

hey syd and cam im a boy of 13 and and i love nirvana too!! syd how far are you from vt ??

lol pretty far. I'm in Bristol County Mass. so a couple hundred miles.

Stonebridge wrote:

Has anyone ever heard you play? Do you have a friend who also plays or who can sing or play some other instrument?
The post above is right. You will get bored with songs if you don't have a goal or reason for learning them.
Ask yourself the question "why am I actually learning/playing this song?". Honestly. Why? Is it just to amuse yourself? Is it just because it's fun messing about on the guitar?
If you have a problem sticking with a song, the best way to get motivated is to set yourself the task of singing it for someone. Anyone. Anywhere. It doesn't matter.
You can do this by collaborating with some other musician(s) or by singing for a friend or family - or in public.
I must admit that I have always considered music a social thing that is best enjoyed with like minded people. They will act as a catalyst and get you motivated. Unless you are strong willed and/or self motivated, making music on your own can be unproductive
Good luck.

That's why I wanted a band, so I would have a real reason to play something and practice more. I'm going into the high school this September so I'm hoping I'll meet some people interested in starting a one.

Every time I learn a song it's like I'm only learning the skeleton of it, if you will. I never fully learn the details and then I get bored with it and move on to another song. hmm What should I do? How can I keep myself on one song and actually play it without leaving stuff out?

Any tips or advise?


(51 replies, posted in Bands and artists)



(10 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Hey I once wrote a post on how the jonas brothers suck, but then topdown closed the thread. It didn't take me long to see how it was unnecessary to write the negative post. I was actually glad that topdown closed it.
Yeah, I don't like them either, but we don't need to go about ranting about how horrible they are. What's the point, anyways?