I a female from the awesome state of TEXAS tongue
Played for around two years but lead different youth and church worship.
Keep up the good work with your guitar skills big_smile
I have a Seagull S-6 slim.


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

The Fenders and Deans are my faves. The white Fender mexican made and Dean Razorback rocks big_smile

0_0 kathy94


(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Welcome to Chordie tongue
In my opinion actually Christian songs like:

* Light of the World
*Give me your eyes
And alot of other songs that have just 3 chords you do over and over again.
Hope this helps.

0_0 kathy94


(20 replies, posted in Electric)

I have a white Fender mexican something and a Dean Razorback. Those are both awesome guitars to rock out with big_smile