(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

And may I add, that the man cave pictured is pretty damn cool.  Nice one fella.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

beamer wrote:

looks great!


THEN i GO TO THIS WEB PAGE in another tab   http://www.autogeekonline.net/
find any topic that you want and go to bottom of page for reply.  hit go advanced.

on advanced page, click on the pic link.  a box will come up, get rid of the stuff in it, and paste your address in it and hit ok.  it will give you  the complete link you need for your image.  just copy and paste that in here.

thats how I started putting pics in here.  it seems wordy, but its really easy after you get teh hang of it.

FPMSL.  How on earth is that a "cheat?"  It seems a long and convoluted way to do something compared to the way that Roger Guppy explains so simply.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Your friends.

Your enemys.

Your lovers.

Some of Noel Gallagher's interviews are legendary.

I can't remember the conversation verbatim, but that one where he was at the Brit awards about 5 years ago and he was asked by an interviewer was he looking forward to watching The Scissor Sisters perform.

"Er, no," he said.

So the interviewer said: "Well what will you do when they perform then, Noel?" To which he replied:  "Probably go for a sh*te!!!"


Go and listen to 'Masterplan' if you want a great Oasis song.

Beautiful one that.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Whoah there, what happened?  Have I missed a great big fallout?

I got bollo...sorry, 'rollocked', for swearing in a quote in context once, so I'm with you La.

By the way...The original subject is aged 11, and not a 'teenager'.

I'm in the same boat with my daughter.

My background is Eric's in Liverpool back in the 70's.  Seen all kinds in there, from Stiff Little Fingers to The Skids.  So I have always had a bit of difficulty 'connecting' with a load of this girly stuff she's into.

Anyway, I made a great big music folder on my laptop for her recently, and a lot of it's actually growing on me.  "Oh the shame Margót, the shame."

One of the songs is fantastic to play and really well arranged.  It's called 'Ugly', and it's by the Sugababes.  It also has a very strong social message as it's about being yourself and everyone being different and bullying being bad etc.  Try it pal (it's on this site as well).  They actually have a decent catalogue of stuff ('About you now' is easy to play as well, and my girl gets on the mic' and sings along to that one when I play it).

Avril Lavigne is a very good live artist I've noticed too.  Try her.

And obviously anything by girls aloud (they've covered Blondie you know?  That'd be worth a punt like, playing some Blondie to her).

*Praying my little lad grows up a Punk Rocker* 



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


They also opened up their anthemic 'Anarchy in the U.K', with the unforgettable "I am an Anti-christ, I am an Anarchist..."

I doubt that'd go down well in one of Liverpool's 2 Cathedral's at Midnight mass on Chrimbo Eve.

This magnificent girl visited my City over the weekend.  Just about 150,000 tonne.  That's some ship is that.

About a thousand onboard were from The States and Canada.  By all accounts they weren't dissapointed as the city welcomed them with open arms.

A few quotes: 

Chris McIver, 62, was eagerly awaiting to share his heritage with the ship’s arrivals.

The Beatles tour guide was offering a walking tour of 40 Beatles attractions.

He said: “ The Beatles are what this city is most famous for."

“I saw them play at the Cavern Club.��

"Tom and Kathy Rock, from Williamsburg, Virginia, said: “We came to see the Rock and Roll Capital of the World."

“It was our first time in Liverpool and our first impressions are that it is fantastic, especially the Liver Building."

“Everyone has been really welcoming."

The Ibraham family, from Alabama, were overwhelmed by the welcome they received stepping off the ship.

Mum Sharon said: “The welcome we received was fantastic, all those people lining up.

“Even from miles away, boats were coming over to meet us and accompany us into dock.��

Her daughter Lyndsey Horton said: “ Liverpool is beautiful, I love the way modern and old architecture has been mixed together.��

Another nice quote, from a national newspaper:

"This was a two-way street, a mutual love affair between Liverpool residents who came to admire, and disembarking American tourists who were happy to reciprocate.

Even the miserable grey weather failed to dampen their enthusiasm for a revived city which more than lived up to their often Beatle-inspired expectations."

Our guests certainly left with a smile on their faces.  Nice one.







(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If you, your Missus and your Winniebago venture a few thousand miles east of New York, then you're more than welcome to give me a shout and I'll buy you a pint fella.


(91 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

"I went to sea to see the sea...And all I've seen is the flipping sea!!!"

Me, the other Sunday.

Good day all.  Welcome home last week and all that.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The score in Scorsese's 'Goodfellas', where Tommy gets, er, 'whacked', and all kinds of retributions and grassing up's are taking place.  The way he uses the piano accompiament to Clapton's 'Layla' is the work of a genius.

A truly memorable piece of film-making music was that.

alvee33 wrote:

I can smell spam

Ooh, just had Spam Fritters, Chips and Beans for me tea.

Lovely stuff.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

we need to know:

age - 43.
Height - 6' 1".
Sex - Male.
location - Liverpool, Merseyside, in the good old United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
instruments you play - Learning to play acoustic.
married or single? - Married.
colour of hair - Going balder by the day, but it was fair in my youth.  What's left now is a no 3 all over with a colour mixture of fair and grey.
any kids? - Yep, 2.  Girl and a Boy.
old enough to have kids? - Yep, Still got a load of action in me arl tallywacker yet.  No more offspring for me though.

and the most important question.......... Do you like chicken and mushroom pot noodles? - Yep.  I'll eat most foods...My body is a Skip.

Oh, and hello mate.

"I'd rather be no-one than someone with no-one."

The Stone Roses.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I'd love to, but not nowadays mate.  Deep sea away from the UK at the mo' bud.

4 months on, 3 months off.  Vessels about 28,000 tonne.

My mate was on a Scottish Fishery Protection Ship named 'Jura'.

Lovely vessel.

Ace stuff.  Weller was literally just a kid when he was writing all that stuff as well Ken.

"Whispers in the shadows - gruff blazing voices, hating, waiting.
Hey boy they shout - have you got any money?
And I said, I've a little money, and a takeaway curry, I'm on the way home to my Wife.  She'll be lining up the cutlery, you know she's expecting me.
Polishing the glasses and pulling out the cork.
I'm down in the Tube-Station at midnight."

Saw The Jam at the Liverpool Empire in 1978 when I were a youth.  On their Apocalypse tour.

The love affair has never left me since that night bud.


(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ta Ken la.

Nice site my Scottish friend, and I always love looking at musical views from our cousins across the pond and that.

"The World is your Oyster, but your future's a Clam."

The Jam, taken off the single "When you're young."


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sailed to Oban a few times years ago.

Lot of pubs...I like that.

Nice place.

Watched Eric Clapton live at The Echo Arena here in Liverpool last month, and he covered Dylan's 'Not Dark Yet' with a wonderful sound.  The acoustics were amazing that night.

That Dylan cover, with me there next to my lovely Wife, was a proper hairs on the back of the neck moment for me.

He had The Liverpool crowd eating out his hand that night, especially when he sang 'Over the Rainbow' as well.  A very poignant song for him lyrically, as I'm sure you can imagine.

You lot got any favourite covers, especially performed live, that you like?


(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Neil Diamond - 'Solitary Man'.

Shack - 'Cornish Town'.

Johnny Cash's cover of 'Hurt'.

Sugababes - 'Ugly' (My daughter made me learn it so she can sing along.  It's actually, lyrically, very, very mature).

The Verve - 'The drugs don't work'.

Guitarpix wrote:

Around here we call surfers "reefers" But that's kind of a local thing... That's why I asked smile I'm kinda a beach bum myself. I've spent the the last 3 days on Sunset island with my guitar. Nothing like the sitting on a quite beach with a guitar for musical inspiration.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3575/351 … b6a3a4.jpg

Looks nice that.

I like North Carolina.

Sailed to Wilmington a number of times, and found the locals to be very friendly.

South Carolina's nice too, sailed to Charleston a bit as well like.

This is a song called 'Closer'.  By a band from my hometown named 'Shack' (described many years ago by NME as 'The Best Band You've Never Heard').
It's nice and slow and easy enough to play:
http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/www.g … 67722.html

This is a youtube video named Liverpool to Southport 2.  It has 'Closer' on it  It's also where I live and a place I love.  If you've got 5 minutes of time then pour yourself a drink or a cuppa and just, well, chill out and have a listen.
You won't be dissapointed:



(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheltenham Races.

A group of primary school children, accompanied by two female teachers, went on a field trip to Cheltenham races to see and learn about thoroughbred horses.

When it was time to take the children to the toilet, it was decided that the girls would go with one teacher and the boys would go with the other.

The teacher assigned to the boys was waiting outside the men's toilet when one of the boys came out and told her that none of them could reach the urinal.

Having no choice, she went inside, helped the boys with their pants, and began hoisting the boys up, one by one, holding their willies to direct the flow away from their clothes.

As she lifted one, she couldn't help but notice that he was unusually well endowed. Trying not to show that she was staring, the teacher said, 'You must be in year four.'

'No, madam,' he replied. 'I'm riding Silver Arrow in the 2.15'.