Hello Seersha,
Desire, and never giving up, or giving in is the important part of learning. Everyone has to work hard at being proficient at the guitar. As the proverb says, " a trip of a thousand miles, begins with a single step." You've probably heard the story of Eric Clapton, locking himself in a room for a year, to better his guitar playing. This was AFTER he was already famous! George Harrison, played over and over until his hands bled. No one is suggesting you do the same. The point is, what is often taken for musical genius, is nothing more than much hard work, coupled with desire. You will learn much from Chordie, most importantly, that the people here care about each other. The only criticism I have ever read, is when someone uses self-depricating humor. Know that we are here for each other, and will help in whatever way we can. Come to think of it, that sounds like a Christian concept to me.
The only advice I would give you, is to start slowly, at your own pace, and be patient. Playing music is a skill, that requires repetition. Golfers swing clubs, batters swing bats, we swing guitars...oops I mean we practice scales and chords. No magic here, just the love of what we are doing. Sorry this is not technical advice, maybe in a later post.
Good luck and Godspeed,