
Don't know if you are still looking or not. I recently went through the dillema you are facing.  Went to my local guitar dealer that carried the largest selection and tried as many as I could. After several hours I was pretty sure that Martin had the sound and feel I was looking for, then started shopping for the best deal.  Found a local shop that carried many good second hand guitars, and bought a lovely 1999 Martin D-35 for about 2/3 price of new, and as with most guitars it sounds better with age.  My advice is get the best you can afford and what fits your ear / hands / style.

Oh yea - about the humidity thing.  Martin web site says 50% RH is ideal.  So before you go crazy about humidity buy a cheap hygrometer from you local hardware store (they often have temp and humidty together in a cheap plactic cover of some sort) and see what you place is at.  I live in Canada, its very cold in the winter, and my house is exactly at 50% humidty - so I just don't bother with the hassle of the gizmos or sponges or other stuff.

I have a '89 Martin D-35.

By a quick review of responses it seems I am several guitars short to be considered a serious player. Perhaps a better investment than that stock market in any case.