Been trying various exercises to stretch fingers on the frets this weekend.. Find the biggest pain is in my thumb muscle. Will keep persevering tho. There are some great Hendrix runs on YouTube that I will play one day......
2 2009-01-15 21:45:25
Topic: 5 Fret Stretch (6 replies, posted in Electric)
I just took interest in my old electric guitar again after many years and just found the tab for ZZ Tops 'Tush'. Theres a basic rock pattern in it that stretches from fret 3 to fret 8. Theres a video on YouTube where a guy plays the riff. When I pause it and look at how his fingers stretch from fret 3 to fret 8 it looks so easy. I can just about get from 3 to 7. If I keep practising will I manage to get from 3 to 8 like the guy on YouTube?
Any tips on how I can achieve this?
Cheers, Phil