Hiya guys,
I haven’t posted for while but I’ve been keeping an occasional eye on things here, I hope everyone is well.
I’ve made a few promises to myself for 2011, a few things not relating to guitar but I have to admit, most of them are guitar orientated. I’m approaching 2 years of playing and I have to say the last 2 months have been great, I’ve just become totally consumed and driven by the guitar doing everything I can to improve both on the electric and acoustic and I really have seen a big improvement over the last few months.
One of my main goals this year is play out more often, I already play at parties and BBQ’s but I’m gonna try and take it to another level (become less of an introverted player and more extroverted one, if that makes sense?). So I’m keen to get a playlist together and under my belt but how many songs should I be looking at playing from memory? I know this has been touched on before but regarding the acoustic, I have a folder of approximately 300 songs which I happen to like, I can play reasonably well while reading from my folder, I’ll always take this to parties as to be honest when I play after a few beers to close friends and family they don’t care whether I read from notes or not, they’re too busy singing.
So last week I went through my folder and picked only the ones I really love to play and whittled it down to 30. I can already play 4 or 5 songs from memory but is an additional 30 doable, I have to admit I think it’s a little much for my aging brain cells.
Anyway any comments, thoughts or advice welcome.