(1 replies, posted in Other string instruments)


I'm thinking about getting this 340 Canadian, with a hard case (retails for 99.50) included.  It would be my first tenor, and the first instrument I spent over a hundred dollars on.  I also have no idea how the electric component would work, but I'm sure the guy in the store will show me more about that.



(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hey all

I've been playing the ukulele for over a year, and I must say I have become quite decent at it.  I decided to buy a guitar and I have a question about the strumming.

On the uke, you hit all strings all the time when strumming.  But on the guitar, there are certain chords that you omit strings from.  The C chord comes to mind.

Is there a trick while strumming to note hitting the strings I'm not supposed to?  With the C, I hit the top string all the time without meaning to.
