Thank You all for your help and suggestions... I went to a guitar shop today to try a left handed guitar but it felt all backwards. I think I'll be more comfortable playing a right handed guitar. Besides that I like the response I get when an experienced guitarist watches me play.... It's great for conversation.... I checked out that Doyle Bramhall on Youtube... He's amazing.... At least I know it's not impossible.... I'll just keep practicing, although it seems impossible for me to make an F chord....

Thank you all and thank you chordie

Hi; I'm new to this forum thing..... I've been playing guitar for a couple of months now. I'm left handed but taught myself (with the help of Chordie and Youtube) a few songs on my sons right handed guitar. I would like to know if there is anyone else   who is left handed that   plays a right handed guitar???? If you have any tips for me it would be greatly appreciated..... Or should I start from scratch and play a left handed guitar??
