(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Just a few lines in remembrance of the creator of some of rock's greatest riffs - particularly the descending 3-chord riff that drives I Wanna Be Your Dog. Anyone who saw the Stooges during their recent gigs over the past couple of years will surely remember being blown away by Ron's understated power as he stood, almost with his back to the audience, while Iggy leapt around in true style.
The world has lost another great musician.

veryscarrie - keep playing, the uke is a great instrument. I've played guitars for years but I've learnt so much since I strated on the uke from old 20's standardfs through 50's stuff, Beatles and even Hendrix - I played Purple Haze at an open mike night recently and it went down really well.
Top tips - get the best uke that you can afford, buy decent strings and a tuner.

I started playing the uke a couple of years ago and found that country somgs and early Beatles songs were good for starting off. Also, some old songs - Moonlight Bay, Tiptoe Through the Tulips - were good fro new chords and chord sequences. There's plenty of stuff on Chordie plus you have the advantage of being able to get the uke chord boxes. Another site I used early on was Alligator Boogaloo - quite an eccentric selection on there.


(0 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I'm trying to arrange a get-together of ukulele players in the Yeovil/Somerset area. Just for fun originally but you never know. If you are a uke player - any age/ability - and fancy getting together with other strummers then contact me at ukulelejam@hotmail.co.uk. If enough are interested then I'll arrange a venue and we can meet up regularly and play songs old and new.
If anyone else has set up a similar group anywhere else in the country and can offer any tips then I'd be grateful.