(18 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hey mooch i had same trub like bigrinwv i worked on folsum prison now it is easy ,ive only been learning 12 mnths so keep at it yull get there .cheers os

just checked u tube wel done id have choked .os

i heard this song on ABC AUS and wonderd who sang it ,i found it on the internet put it in my favs  and listen to it a hell of a lot . didnt no that this guy had died ,im so sad it is a wonderfull song .os


(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

thanks mate ,had a little play sounds close .i"ll work on it .thks os


(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

heard this song from one of my favourite singers ,Don Williams -It Only Rains On Me,its from his portrait album luved it want to learn it can find lyrics but no chords ,can anyone help me please???os

mmmm very interesting ,mainly because i bypass songs with barre chords ,prob like most learners,but the positive replys have me guitar in hand and PRACTICE PRACtice practice.


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

just a couple of words of thanks to all you people who put these songs online. i have only been learning to play guitar for 8 mnths so im still pretty new at it (also im 57 so its taking longer to get it rite lol ) but the easy chord songs are so much help .it was interesting to note that pix ithink is going to make a list of easys that would be so good for learners like me .so thanks a lot guys and gals.os from aussie land.