(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

He's no scam i researched him and he's legit, he met me once in person as a favor to a friend of mine, that's how i ended up sending him the clip, but now he said he wants to hear more and wants me to give him something that would convince him beyond a shadow of a doubt that i have the chops to be in the business.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Ok people I'm looking for help anywhere I can get it. I have to come up with some original country songs. I got an email today in refference to a song clip i sent to a record exec. Luck me yea i know. So anyway I need someone who would like to collaborate with me with recognition and credit of course, or atleast some tips to help me write powerful and orignal country songs. Thanks Guys,



(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

ok i need some help i've hit a little bit of writer's block and i need some ideas for verses or maybe us this as a verse/part of a verse idk but its all i've gotten so far . . . ty in advance for any help

G                    C                     G
I can't leave the whiskey in the bottle
C                       D                             G
It's all that I have left since you've been gone
       C                    D              G              C
You tore my world apart with a lonely cold goodbye
     C                    D                      G
So all that's left to do is drain this bottle dry
           G           C                      G
As the tears run slowly down my cheek
C                    D             G
I can't help but dig up old memories
    C               D                  G                             C
so i sip at this bottle tryin to drown the thoughts of you
C                               D                       G
cause tonight its gonna take the place of you

http://www.4shared.com/file/68249516/97 … skey1.html

thats a link for those of you who need to know what its supposed to sound like, its just a rough draft so dont criticize it to bad smile)


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

that helps a ton i've been racking my head all day trying to get just the right ones i had the c and g i just couldn't figure out what to use with them and where they should hit thanks so much.



This is what i thought of for an intro

let me know what you think its pretty basic i know but i need to keep it simple lol


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

It was a very personal song and yes it WAS a situation I was in but thankfully got myself out of before it was to late, two weeks after I left my ex was murdered because he was a raving drunk. Now I make it a point to share my story and try my hardest to help other women and men that could be in the same situation, thank you for the positive feedback and I will have the chords soon . . .


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

So this is the first song I've ever attempted to write and I'm afraid it might just show. I haven't tried putting chords to it yet because I just started playing guitar a few days ago, so any feedback good or bad is much needed and any tips would help as well.

Verse 1:

He left a handprint on her face,

her heart broken in the night.

She'll swear he didn't mean to,

she messed up, he was right.

She should have never crossed him,

it's really not his fault.

He'll cry and say he's sorry when the alcohol wears off


So she prays to god everynight

Please make everything alright

He's a good man

With a bad habbit

He's a lover on a good day

and a fighter when he's had it

Verse 2:

She knows that she should leave him

but she doesn't have the heart

Without her he would break down

and slowly fall apart

He needs her more than anything

she's sure of that by now

Besides there's nothin left for her

in this hell hole of a town


But she prays to god every night

Please make everything alright

There's a big ol' world out there

She wants a piece of it

But it's no place for a small town girl

She'd never survive it

Verse 3:

Last night she dreamt of a perfect place

With roses and white fences

She was miles away from her broken life

Full of empty promises and wishes

She took it as her sign to leave

on a greyhound bound for somewhere

She'll board that bus

and never look back

on that man who never cared


And she'll pray to god tonight

Thanks for making everything right

You lit the way for me last night

I'll never forget it

I'm gonna live the life I was meant to live

and cherish every minute.


(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

thanks and i have a few songs that i was going to put up there's no better place to get honest feed back about something than an open forum lol


(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thank you radchael1975 its Teardrops on My Guitar by Taylor Swift and thank you i've been trying to wrap my hand around that.

one more thing for anyone who wants to post, any tips on making it easier on a beginner to change chords?


(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I've always been pretty musically inclined. I picked up a guitar a few days ago and have caught on pretty quickly i'm having a problem combining strum patterns and chord progressions and singing the lyrics


G            Em     C    D
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see

the strum pattern is D-U-D-D-U

i dont quite know if i'm making any sense but my question is between the C and D i dont understand how to finish the strum pattern so quickly before i'm supposed to sing at fake or do I change chords in the middle of a strum pattern? I've certainly confused myself with this post but I'm hoping that someone can make sense of it and help me.
