(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

thank you.


(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

can anyone please help me with the strumming pattern for "last request"?  i know part of the song has two beats per measure and then there are parts with 4 beats. 

please any help at all would be appreciated.



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

yes the same thing happened to me... what is up with that?  can it be repaired?

thanks, wannaplay


(16 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

thank you everyone for the support!  holding the guitar up sounds like great advice and i am going to give it a try as soon as i post.  i will try anything as i am just about to give up.... i love music so much and just want to play but it is so frustrating.

someone told me that eventually  my fingers would stretch out but i am not sure i believe that.  i mean you fingers are only so long... right?

i can  make a G chord great, and a F chord most of the time, not perfectly, but recognizable,  but it is that **** C chord! and wouldn't you know  every song i want to play has the c chord. 

thanks again for the support and i am going to try the "up" angle.  i will let you know!



(16 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

how long does it take for the "death grip" to go away?  i am learning from someone who has played 41 years and  i think forgets what is like for beginners. 

somedays i feel good about but others i am ready to give up.  i don't know if i will ever master anything on the guitar.. can you tell this is a "give up day"?

thanks for the advice and listening!


(16 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

thank you all for the information... i keep trying and keep getting frustrated.  one thing that was mentioned was "tightening up" when making the chords.  that is a real possibility. i believe i am doing that. 

i still have trouble reaching across three frets to make  c or f chord which drives me crazy.  i am female if i didn't mention so imagine tiny tiny hands. 

i will check into the $$ of the guitars mentioned.   maybe after the holidays if i don't give up first!

thanks again for all the info!


(16 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

thank you doug, 

are you saying different brands make different scales (lengths)  like the youth size is 20" long just right for me... the parlor is 25" long too long for me.  i understand a full size adult might be even longer.

however, say for instance, a fender or gibson, could you get different lengths?  say for isntance, maybe a 1.75 but maybe a 23" length?

the frets are just too wide on this one.  also, the other problem is i am making a buzzing noise.. is that because i am not holding the string down tight enough?  it doesn't make it when other's play it. 

i am so frustrated. 

thanks again.


(16 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

help!  i am inbetween guitar sizes... i have very small hands and body and started on with a child size guitar.  the body and frets fit perfectly only when making chords my fingers would hit the strings below where they shouldn't touch. 

someone suggested buying a parlor guitar which did give me lots of room between the strings.  the only problem with this one is that the frets are so much bigger that after months and months of trying i still can't stretch my fingers across the frets.  such as making a C or F chord. 

i have made my shoulder so sore from trying to hold down the strings while trying to stretch.  i am at my wits end and it has become no fun playing. 

does anyone know of a size guitar that might be inbetween a child size and a parlor size?

please help because i am so close to giving up... i practice anywhere from 2-3 hours 7 days a week. 



(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

thanks livebaitman,   i know you are right but i am struggling with te rythm and making the chords at the same time.   i am teaching myself because i can't afford lessons.  but my friend has written out several songs that way and i have learned them.  he doesn't have time for lessons so i just pick up what i can when i can.   

i have some beginner books with songs with chords and strumming up down up down.  but like i said i can't keep the rythm that way.  the other way i have learned maybe 5-6 songs and people recognize them when i play them... instant gratifcation...  i guess i need to go back to the very start.  i didn't know that was lead guitar.

thanks again for advice from everyone... i will keep plugging away.


(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

thank you guys so much for all the info...  and for taking the time to explain.  i understand what you are saying but what i am trying to figure out it HOW to decide which notes to pick out in a song.   i can't go to someone everytime and ask them to write it out to me..  is there a formula?

for instance i am trying to learn how to play alison by elvis costello,  here are the first chords... 

          |  A                                           |  E                                    |
Oh Its so funny   to be seeing you    after so long girl
          |  A                                           | G#m7              C#m    B   | 
and with the way you look I understand that you are not impressed
          |  A                                           | G#m7              C#m    B   | 
but I    heard you  let  that    little            friend  of     mine
          |D                                             |  E                                    |
             take    off     your         party   dress

so how would i determine how  to pick out the notes before and inbetween the next chords?  i hope i am making sense,  and i really appreciate your patience with me...  (refer back  to amazing grace above how i pick the 2 fret then strum the d chord then pick the notes on 2, 3 fret then strum d chord again....  is there a formula that you chose which notes to pick such as the first note of the chord???  i want to pick note, then strum chord, then note or maybe note note then strum then chord. etc... or just pick notes through the whole song and not play chords at all for the hard ones until i learn the chords. 

remember i am really new to this... thanks for the patience!



(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

thank you for the reply.  i think i understand what you are saying.   how can i figure out how to do it the "first way" when i am trying to learn/play a song.  i haven't learned all the chords yet and have found for instant gratification i can play the "first way" (if i have it written that way) and hear the song without really playing chords only. 

here is another example of a song someone wrote out for me  amazing grace
                       D                         D                     
         -----------------     -2     -----2 -------- 0  |
------------2-----3------------3  -----3 ---------   |
_____________2______________2________  |
_____________0______________0________  |

how do you know to play that "first"2 then the D chord then pick the note 2. 3. then back tp D, then 0?   verses, D strum, then D strum....

i hope that makes sense... 

thanks again for your help!


(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I am new to guitar and so far don't know  many notes or how to strum with timing, etc.   So far I have had someone to write out the "notes" on a tab sheet for me and can pick out the song.  I like playing  this way, however, when I look at a tab sheet here the numbers and strings don't match what i have been given.   

Am I reading this wrong?  For instance the song Yesterday I have 
____2__0 ___0 _______________________
____________________________0___2____3___2___   (this is just the first few notes)

but on another site the tab reads

  F                Em7          A7               Dm        Dm  Dm7  Bb

what am misunderstanding?   when i pick out those notes above (my notes)  it sounds like the song.  Am I confusing notes with tabs?  also, the other one directly above ..... do you play 1 1 2 all at once?  or 1 then 1 then 2 and then start over? 

thank you so much