smile Thanks to those who have tried to help

I've fixed it yay, well...i didnt my husband kinda did, i think it had something to do with firefox, so he put another internet thingy on and it picks up the chord pictures on that program yay!! smile  (i did notice when opening chordie on another pc and r clicking over the pic there was an option about getting rid of the chordie images)

yeah sad , every song i look at now, the chord pictures dont show up for any song.  Is there something I might have disabled, so that it doesnt show anymore? It nice to be able to see how where the fingers go when looking at a song.  Oh well I hope to figure it out soon.

smile thx, i tried, the chords I'm referering to are the one positioned above the area, the variations for the chords area above where you click to transpose the song/ or put it on auto scroll etc. I have it in normal, tried the other options as well.  I do see the chords above the words- just dont have the pictures of them to the right anymore sad

hi, i clicked something and no longer see the chords for a song to the right of the song anymore, not sure what i clicked but now any song i go to doesnt show up any chords anymore.  Know what i have to do do get it back???? much appreciated for any help