My next project is an old epiphone special II

I would like to ask
I have an epiphone special II (one of those starters) that has no backplate. Is there any place that I can purchase one?   It is shaped like a boomerang. I've tried some places like guitarpartsdepot but there is none displayed or mentioned.

Anyone can kindly point me to where I can acquire one?


Thanks Doug.

I use my fingers esp when it gets to the strumming part in "Malaguena"


(2 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I would like a little more growl and power.  - more body.

Thanks for the links


(2 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I have an Ibanez GAX 70.  Question is... I'm considering changing its Powersound Pickups (humbuckers).  The guitar has a H-H configuration.  Any comments on Powersound Pickups?

Which would be a better choice...The Ibanez V7 and V8 or Duncans?
Has anyone measure the output of the V7 and V8 Humbuckers?


(14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Sorry for the delayed reply Drew.

I will look at the GFS and see how it can replace the strat's bridge.


(1 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I've seen several hot pickups on ebay such as Dragonfire and guitarheads. Any recommendations?
Are they ok or should I stick with the name brands. 

Just like Fender and Gibson, these are the old reliables, but there are good guitarmakers like Turser and Dean that also make a great axe.

Are these pickup companies the same, is it worth experimenting with?


(14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

OK I typed pics and search and found out that we cant post pics but on this forum we can post links to it.  So here goes

This is how it looked like when I bought it … caster.jpg

Close up of original … caster.jpg

after some changes..(pickguard, spring etc) … vented.jpg

plans of pickup changes … ented3.jpg

pickups changes complete … ented6.jpg

Let me know what you think, Drew.  Sorry about the photos but they were taken from my phone cam.

It sounds much thicker and chunkier but it shows great power than before. It also captures the sound more in detail than before, at least to me.   

Next problem although minor with it is its tune.  It cannot maintain the tune for a long time.  Should I change the tuners?


(14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)


If you show me how to post pics on this forum, I'll show you whats been done.


(14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thanks DREW...

I question comes to mind while all this is happening.  The height of the poles of magnets are elevated to compensate for 1. the radius of the fretboard and 2. the thickness of the strings.
Will the height somehow get in the way when the guitar strings are strummed esp if the mid PUP has its poles of magnet elevated. 

I am sorry but my background is classical guitar.  Sometimes the guitar note or set of note is played fortissimo.

But do you get what I mean?  Sorry for sounding naive.

thats another reason why I will change the mid pup to prob a hot rail type or a flat pup.


(14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

DrewDruncan wrote:

I don't know what value pots the factory would use in this guitar, but it should be marked on them somewhere. If not, meter across the 2 outside contacts of the pots to find the value. The middle contact is the wiper.

The middle pickup, in this configuration, is not used very much by itself. It mainly provides the snarky/quacky tones in switch positions 2 and 4, when it is combined with the neck to bridge pickups. So, the factory installed pickup maybe just fine for that use. You may have to adjust the height of the middle pup, while listening to position 2 or 4 to get the right blend. The new pups are much hotter than the old ones, so the middle pup will probably need to be moved closer to the strings.

If if does not blend very well (it probably uses a ceramic magnet), you might try their cool vintage blade pickup or one of the Neovin middle pickups, to better blend with humbuckers (both of these are humbuckers made to look like a single coil unit). Maybe something between 8-10k.

Hi Drew Duncan

I noticed that from the middle pup, each string has a corresponding bar from the Pup that has a different level than the other string's corresponding bar.

Sorry for the delay in response, I was working

Classical    : Ramirez S1

Accoustic   : Takamine EG230

1. Fender frankenStarcaster
2. Jay turser JT-220
3. Jay turser strat Unknown Model (HSS config)
4. Epiphone Special II
5. Ovation Ultra GS I
6. Hondo Strat Copy (next project)
7. Ibanez GAX 70
8. Gibson Baldwin Les Paul Black Epoch (next next project)

I play classical guitar music and sometimes the classical piece dictates that some strumming needed - like a flamenco influenced piece.  is that ok for my nylon strings, I use a set of La Bella Strings ?


(14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thank you very much..I will check the contacts.

I will be checking on the auction sites for SD vintage rails for neck/middle.  Meanwhile anyone advice me if I have to change the tuners...Do the tuners have to be changed in order to maintain the tune?

I want to prove some critics wrong when they said that they wont be caught dead gigging with a starcaster.


(14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thank you Thank you for the advice...

Just a little clarification.
The Starcaster already came in with an HSS Configuration according to the original owner.  How will I know if the Tone pot for the humbucker is already mated at 500K?  Will the factory match the 500 k Pots with the humbucker if the original config is HSS?

By the way, its a two tone and one volume control guitar...

I checked guitar fetish but I do not have an idea as to which mid pickup to choose.  do I base my choice on what to match the humbucker Pickup(14.7 ohms) and neck pickup (10 ohms)?



(14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)


I'm new to the board but like you guys I've been bitten by the electric guitar collection bug.
Now its gotten worse...I'm delving into how electric guitars work or are

I bought a used Blue Starcaster by Fender and I've made it my project guitar.

I've already changed the pickguard from a mirror pickguard (whose brilliant idea was that?  Its a health hazard waiting to happen) to a white pearloid pickguard.....
and now I'm in the process of changing the pickups (its an HSS configuration)

I've already changed the Humbucker
(Starcaster Humbucker measures 6.5 ohms)
to a Seymour Duncan SH-5 (measuring 14.7 Ohms)

I like the sound of the duncan humbucker but because of the imbalance in sound
I am (and I already managed to acquire the PU) planning to change the
neck Pickup (Starcaster measures 5 ohms) to a Seymour Duncan little 59 1N (10 ohms)

MY questions are

1. Is there anything else you guys recommend?
2. for Mid pickup (Starcaster 5,3 ohms)?
3. for tuners (starcasters are notorious for going out of tune in 30 - 45 minutes)

4. Do I need to change the bridge?  Its still does a good job.