SouthPaw41L wrote:

Appreciate what we have available, it's a privilege, not a right..........

Sorry, maybe I worded it a little more strongly than was intended.  For sure it's real nice to have it supplied.  Was just reinforcing what was said previously that a lot of people come to rely on the edit feature since there's so much stuff about with glaring errors in it that needs sorting if you're trying to do a 'tight' set with everyone singing from the same hymn sheet as it were.

SouthPaw41L wrote:

and ps- welcome to Chordie and have a great gig.

We did thanks, charity bash to raise money for "Freewheelers" the guys who volunteer their time to run blood and organs around the UK.

Anyhoo - the "edit" thing, we love it and we miss it was all I was saying.  wink

It really is starting to be a bit of an issue, just printed out 4 copies of a 30 song set for a gig tomorrow and having to edit the errata by hand on every copy.