a new guitar a year?
think they are hiring?
I'd sweep floors, clean toilets, whatever...


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Hey thanks guys I'm checking that stuff out.
Is a PA package definitely the way to go?  As opposed to just an amp?  Again, I'm not too proud to say I'm pretty clueless!


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I've been playing and singing for about 12 years now, and I would like to start performing a bit more.  I've done a few weddings, jumped in with a band a couple times and that's about the extent of my "plugged in" experience.  I play for friends and family or whoever, whenever and wherever I can.  I'm not that great, but like Jack Ingram said once, people have told me, "man, you ougta get a gig!"  I'd like to pursue some offers to play in little dives here and there, but I don't have a clue about the equipment.  The band or church already has it!
So...  Any advice on where to start?
I play a jumbo with a passive pick up in it.  I don't really plan on playing with a band, just me, my geetar, and a harmonica.  I sing mostly old country or stuff from the Texas guys.  Ingram, REK, Snider, Ragweed, Cash etc.
PA or amp?  What's really the difference?  Where to start?
I know there's already an "amp" thread here, but I need a bit more help...

Oh yeah, I don't have a solid price range, but probably under 1000.  ??


(5 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Although I've used this site a ton, I'm new to this forum.
I'm looking for some new songs (new to me) that are great for playing the harmonica.  I already sing and play guitar/harmonica songs from the likes of Todd Snider, Neil Young, Billly Joel and some Dylan.
I searched the songbooks without much success.  Any suggestions or point me in the right direction?