(16 replies, posted in Music theory)

Your analogy is worth bearing in mind,as for your love /hate relationship with the B chord i maintain that D/G is even worse because you can't use your thumb,if you finger a standard D try and get your thumb on the third fret of the E string or your little finger over without giving your cramp(small hands).

Zurf wrote:
SEAGULL1 wrote:

weren't scales invented by music teachers to anoy wanna be guitar players,
thanks for your help, i'm starting to get the idea,i'm already starting to transpose songs so as to make it easier for me to sing,where as before i would sing in the key written down regardless of whether it suited me or not.
So it looks like i will a have to learn my scales....dooooohhhhh

Scales were invented (discovered?) by Pythagoras.  He figured that whole square of the hypotenuse thing wasn't annoying enough, so just after he went about making playing with shapes a whole lot more complicated with sins and cosins and squares of this and that, he went about complicating learning about music with twelve tones that only have eight names but two modifiers and making sure some of the names and modifiers are completely different but describe the same thing.  At least we don't have to square F#m and then compare it to the sum of the squares of A and Cmaj.   And he used a precursor to a hammer dulcimer to figure this stuff out, so he NEVER had to finger an evil B chord.  And it shows, man.  It shows.

- Zurf


(16 replies, posted in Music theory)

What a great idea,i shall purchase one of those.RnR

SouthPaw41L wrote:
SEAGULL1 wrote:

How do you know what key a piece of music is in by looking at a set chords for a song.And how do you know which chords to use if you switch keys.

Sorry if this is a bit basic but i have never had a lesson,i just pick up my guitar standard tune it
and play what ever is on the songbook.So if you said play something in "A" i would be clueless

Thanx in advance

   Here's some useful information from some folks who do this music theory/guitar lessons schtuff  for a living. It should be of great help to you. Enjoy.


Peace and Guitars,


(16 replies, posted in Music theory)

i'm beginning to see that

jerome.oneil wrote:
SEAGULL1 wrote:

weren't scales invented by music teachers to anoy wanna be guitar players,


It may seem that way at first, but after it clicks, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it. 

Good luck!


(16 replies, posted in Music theory)

weren't scales invented by music teachers to anoy wanna be guitar players,
thanks for your help, i'm starting to get the idea,i'm already starting to transpose songs so as to make it easier for me to sing,where as before i would sing in the key written down regardless of whether it suited me or not.
So it looks like i will a have to learn my scales....dooooohhhhh

jerome.oneil wrote:

Chord progressions originate with scales.

The I IV and V refer to chords named by the 1st, 4th, and 5th notes of a major scale.

G Major scale, for example

G A B C D E F# G

The "in key" chords for this scale would then be

G Am Bm C D em F#dim G

So the I IV and V would be


Scales scales scales...


(16 replies, posted in Music theory)


mixter102 wrote:

As Jerome said familiarising your self with common chord progresions is the best and first clue to finding the key the song is in.  Another good guide is what chord starts, or ends the song, verse, or chorus, these are often the key.


(16 replies, posted in Music theory)

THANKYOU,ive got a little programme with all the chord progressions on.
Where do these progressions originate from?who came up with them and why.

jerome.oneil wrote:

Grabbing a key signature is somewhat of a guessing game until you're familiar with chords and how they relate to scales. 

A good rule of thumb is to know the I IV and V's of all keys, which isn't hard to figure out.

For example, if you see a lot of  F, C, and G, you could surmise that the song is in the key of C, as C F and G are the I IV and V of C major.

A study of common chord progressions is also useful in figuring this out.   They call this the "tonal center" of a song.


(4 replies, posted in Music theory)

Thankyou for your help.

So this begs the question why do people bother with a capo,why not transpose the chords,or the voicing sound different.Or am i an idiot and got the wrong end of the stick.


(4 replies, posted in Music theory)

Is shifting your capo on to the second fret excatly the same as transposeing your chords 2 semitones.DOOOHHH my head is going explode.
You see i was quite happy picking up song books and playing tunes before i came on this site now i've got this idea in my head to learn some music theory,i mean how many players out there have the manual dexterity to play guitar but have not a clue about theory,e.g i can play Hotel Califoria intro and all the rest virtually note perfect, but ask me with a gun to my head what a semitone is and i couldn't tell you.

Thanx in advance


(16 replies, posted in Music theory)

How do you know what key a piece of music is in by looking at a set chords for a song.And how do you know which chords to use if you switch keys.

Sorry if this is a bit basic but i have never had a lesson,i just pick up my guitar standard tune it
and play what ever is on the songbook.So if you said play something in "A" i would be clueless

Thanx in advance


(17 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Exactly the same for me can play and sing infront of my daughter,complete numpty in front anybody else


(2 replies, posted in Acoustic)

It was just a wimps way of saying does anybody else think this song is difficult,lots of 4 finger split chords at the beginning,also a lot of these chords i've either avoided or not come across before.Both David Bowie and Paul Weller love a good old chord and lots of them.


(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

The song i find difficult to sing and play at the same time is ROCK AND ROLL SUICIDE D BOWIE.
In isolation it's simple but together it does my head in.


(2 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I know you would have to assume a lot with this particular question,what level of guitar player would you have to be to have a good crack at LIFE ON MARS BOWIE.

Thanx in advance


(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

i agree with paul466 it's just a feeling for the song,don't they say to play guitar well you must be in tune and have timeing,the later being a natural response,i personally think to myself does this sound and feel  right if not try again,it's tough i know, i've only switched to acoustic since christmas have found it very difficult compared to electric(you can't cheat).


(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)

AAAHH Barre chords the pain in the ass to every would  be guitar player,i have been playing Acoustic for 7 months therefore i now have to learn to play the guitar properly and Barre chords proved a pain,the way i find to learn really quick is to play every song within reason useing Barre chords even if its a simple GAD open chord tune even if it doesnt require it,another method i used was swapping between open and barre for 5mins set on a stop watch e g open G barre A open C barre F and so on over and over again every day eventually it's second nature.Having said that i still have trouble with switching to Gmaj7 the 4 fingered voicing,due to my inexperience i've only just started to come across this chord more regularly so i shall follow the same learning pattern.RnR


(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanx lads
All points taken on board,i can play Gmaj7 various other methods but like tonydr said the voicing is particularly difficult to replicate elsewhere,i'm useing it playing ELTON JOHNS' YOUR SONG'other versions to me anyway just don't sound quite right.As i have come to realise learning guitar is frustrating but the rewards when you stick with it are so gratifying


(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Ive been playing acoustic since christmas day and loving it(avg 1hour a day) so i would discribe myself as a beginner trying to get into that intermediate phase.
I have one big problem Gmaj7 2345 version,am i the only one who finds it difficult to switch to this chord,i have small hands HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPP