(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Ya know...you'd think the Zurf would at least send me a few royalties...dang Pennsultucky Coal-Crackers gotta be watched all the time.

By way of explaination, I was boy scout in another life, made it to Life Scout before I aged-out and we used to have compititions to see who could light a fire in the shortest time using the most unusual methods. No accellerants, no matches or lighters or man-made material permitted.  My proudest achievment was using a Rock and a plain old flat file to generate sparks over a bed of NC pine needles and fat wood shavings. Have also used a bow, flint and steel, and used a car battery once to get a file going (battery removed from the car of course)

Thanx for props Z...we'll be see'n each other pretty soon on a riverbank somewhere I have no doubt.

BTW...I owe one Buddy (insert evil grin here)