wlbaye wrote:

Mr Mer,

That is one sweet guitar , you have to share when you get something that nice smile  Let's see some pix please.
My nephew has a yellow one that looks and sounds way good  cool

Thanks. I have recently added to the stable a Squirer Strat body/neck, with custom paint job... all done by myself, with that prewired HSS pickguard. Still waiting on some parts (jack, jack plate, misc. screws, tremolo bar).

An Ibanez Tubescreamer TS-9, Line 6 Spider III 75, Line 6 POD 2.0, like 10k picks, a Crybaby, a Boss BD-2 Bluesdriver and a Boss PSM-5 that I use as main switch.

In the works:

Will trade the Squirer Strat for a Telecaster or an Epi Les Paul.
Another Tubescreamer
A Marshall Bluesbreaker, when the wife authorize me some funds :-(

Fender American Highway 1 (SSS), HSS pickguard prewired with 2 Lace singles and 1 humbucker for that HSS "Fat Strat" sound.

I think this is an excellent song and Buddy's version is just plain awesome. If possible, Guy's version of "She's 19 years Old" too, please.

This sounds like an "introduce yourself" thread, so here I go...

I have been playing since April 2008, but I have taken music theory when I was a wee lad of 12. Now, 30 years later I decided to get a hobby and guitar playing seemed safe enough. Mostly teaching myself, can;t say I am an expert, but I can follow a tune and once I song sticks in my head, I play it until I know it.

So I am here in the troubled US of A, in the New England area to be exact, although I was born and raised in warmer climate.

My gear, which is all acoustic (so far) consist of:

1. My training guitar, a Jasmine by Takamine. Cheap but well build... and pretty. Somewhat hi pitched, but I use it mostly to "solo" (yeah right)
2. My campsite guitar, Ibanez V200. Soft sounding, nice for strumming along
3. The 12. Ovation Celebrity CC-65.

So that is it. Glad to be here.

last_rebel wrote:

Takamine has one, starts with a J.....

Jasmine by Takamine. Entry level guitars but they sound very close to the Takamines and it is the same construction. Still trying to figure out the differences.