(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi! - I'm new, so if i get the idea wrong, please bare with me. smile

I think you have to consider very much why you play. If you're a recording artist, I'll hurry up and agree with what evsynator just said: anything can work, you might just have to re-write or re-feel (so to speak) the song. think of light my fire by the doors. If you play that through flat with no accents, no filling and a simple vocal, it sounds like a poor job of a song, but when it's worked on a little, added some feeling (and, given, a lot of organ) it works brilliantly. Just shave a song down to it's bare minimum, then build it up in a new way. It'll work.

If you just play for fun, for yourself or friends for instance, anything fun is good. Any song can work acoustically. You may want to avoid songs that rely heavily on complicated riffs, as you'll have to stop strumming the rythm and groove to play the riff (in most cases anyways), and groove is everything. Short story: anything that's fun to play will be fun to listen to.