(8 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thanks for the replies. One thing I noticed on the strings, was that the gunk on them looks more like if it was left in a closet for a long time, so I guess I'm going to find a cleaning kit to have it clean for now then I'll see what I can do about getting new strings. Thanks!

Hello. I just received a acoustic/electric guitar from a member of my church because she doesn't use it. Anyway, when I gave it a spin I noticed my fingers got black stains from the strings. When I brought it home I noticed a dirty scent from it (could have been my sweat because it's hot like an oven here in New York.) Anyway, I want to know what I can do to clean the fretboard and the strings. I don't want to remove the strings however, because I never strung/restrung a guitar. I know I shouldn't use water, but what about anything from home? Thanks for any help I get.

(Sorry if I typed a lot, I tend to do that.)


(109 replies, posted in Electric)

Hello. This is my first post here. Anywoo..

When I was a Sophomore in HS. My friend started bringing his guitar to school sometimes. I thought it was really cool and all. Next year he started the school's guitar club and I would visit when I could. I got interested and I thought it could be easy even though I had no clue lol. I got to borrow my aunt's cheap acoustic. My church's music director helped me tune it and gave me a guitar book. I learned my first song, Ode To Joy. I eventually bought a beginner electric and I got to learn more with it. Oh and guitar isn't as easy as I thought XD. So I guess I was inspired by my friend.

I still use it with the same strings (they are wearing out bad!) I've been scared to change them because I worry I might not be about to get the bridge done right and I hear rumors of guitar necks snapping (!!!). It's a "Starcaster by Fender". Until I get a job and the money, I'll change my guitar.

I got into guitar a bit later then others(16) probably, but it's never too late I guess.