(14 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Ok this has probably been answered a million times. But, I new here so if this has been said again and again I’m sorry, but here goes again. I bought a new Samick UK70 the one with the gig bag, chord sheet whoopee, and an electric tuner, the tuner wasn't worth too much I took it back, and they said they have had several of them come back, not the Uke its actually pretty good, holds tune, sound great the whole nine yards, the tuner was crap though, they gave me a new clip on tuner for free, well for exchange, any way these clip on do-hickies are pretty cool, mine goes from red to green when in tune, not to mention it has a screen that shows the key, GCEA and a scale to let me know when I’m getting close, highly recommended they only sell on eBay for around $15.00 delivered

Hope this helps
