I live in the mazarron area of Murcia, southern Spain.


(51 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

amazing when you consider I can't spell.....weird, not wierd!


(51 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I've been in a few bands with wierd names:

'The Third Radiator Along'
'The F*cking B*stards'
'The Not-Rock Blurge Band'

My favourite, though never used, was 'Hideous Meringue', and I did come up with the name 'That Band'

The worst name I ever saw was a local solo singer who called himself 'Matt Silk'. Presumably a painter and decorator during the day? There was also a solo singer/guitarist called 'Carlo Santanna'


(167 replies, posted in Electric)

I think all of the following players have redefined the guitar in their respective generations:

Charlie Christian

Les Paul

Jimi Hendrix

Jeff Beck

Stanley Jordan (everyone else is just rehashing the work of the other four)

A couple of years ago I saw Robin Trower's 60th birthday tour and he was absolutely bloody fantastic!