I currently have:

-1968 Martin D18 (my baby)
-Sigma rescued from a dumpster with the neck snapped off at the head
-$100 Fender acoustic model unknown
-Squire Tele
-Ibanez AF (my new baby).

I don't gig or anything, I just play at home and with friends.

The Sigma is great when I'm in a Robert Johnson Mississippi blues kind of mood.  Its got that boxy sound that just works for it.

The cheapie Fender is perfect for my 70's folk bluegrass & light rock moods.

The Martin sings classical like a diva.

The Ibanez (say what you want about them) is an ideal blues and jazz instrument, I love it.  I use this with a Roland microcube - no power but nice range of effects.

I wanted something to cover my Hendrix, Zappa, 'gimme a fifth of Jack' moods and thought the Tele would do it but I hate it.  First, its like wearing a Volkswagen around your neck, second the action is so bad that a monkey could dance a jig under the strings at the 12th fret.  I'm playing this on a cheap little Fender practice amp that doesn't have a lot of effects other than gain.  All I can seem to get out of it is straight distortion the kind where you can't pick out the notes.

I bought the Tele for asking price without playing it and would do it again because the guy needed money for medical expenses but now find myself in the quandry.

Do I bother getting the neck straightened (I don't know how to do it myself and I already tried adjusting the action)?  Do I invest in a better amp (I don't know alot about picking them out).  Maybe my technique is just wrong and I just really don't know how to play that sound, should I just invest in lessons?

  I'm cheap but when it comes to guitars I'll pay what I gotta pay to get the sound I'm looking for.   Any thoughts?