(4 replies, posted in Acoustic)


Been learning acoustic guitar since July 07 on a fender DG-4, have been learning step by step from about.com: guitar from Dan Nash.
I know my scales and 9 chords: A/A Min /  E/EMin  /  D/DMin / C/F & G

I find the site very helpful and promised myself not to progress until i`m competent on each section,at the moment trying to learn speed from chord to chord bit i`m have probs with C and F, and formin the chords quickly. Practice about 1 to 2 hours a day in front of tv just switchin chords, sometimes not even playing, on occasions feel that i getting worse! over practicing ???

Found playing to some songs from ultimate tabs.com with very helpful, even if it does sound that great/ brown eyed girl / house of rising sun/
credence clearwater revival etc.

Just after a bit of advice to keep at it and not to smash my guitar to bits like Keith Townsend of The Who.