Hi there! I'm a young 51yr old, female guitar player, living in Andover, Hampshire, U.K. Wondering if there are any other guitar players, that would like to meet up with a view of going busking with me?? I play, Beatles, Squeeze, old classics like, Stand by Me, Cupid, Stevie Wonder, Motown songs,  all sorts really..feel good stuff!! Please get in touch with me??!! Cheers!! Gill.  big_smile

Young 47 female,looking for anyone interested in getting repetoire up together in view of busking? I can sing a bit and would like to sing with someone else...work out the harmonies etc.Types of music: Squeeze, Beatles,Reggae,Ska,summer kind of songs...Everybody's gotta learn sometimes Korgis, World of water, Sanctuary,Living by Numbers New Musik,Funky stuff,Mowtown,all sorts of stuff!!
This has been a dream of mine and it would be fantastic do at long last!! So come on...please get in touch!!Age doesn't matter or sex, the main thing is, that we click musically and we have a bloody good time!! Thankyou!



(10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I hope to go busking later this year and would like some advice, please, on what kind of cheap but reasonable quality equipment I can get?
Initially I will use an acoustic guitar, with Peavy portable amp. I would like to tape(?) my own backing and play this along with me singing and playing guitar at the same time!
I've seen a busker years ago,using a car battery for power,but don't know how to set it up......safely!I don't think an Afro would suit me really!
Thought about a cassette recorder for the backing?Not sure if this would give good quality?
Ideally the equipment would be compact,lightweight and hive a good sound!?
Any advice will be so greatfully recieved! Thankyou for reading this! Gill =)


(1 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Young 47 female,looking for anyone interested in getting repetoire up together in view of busking? I can sing a bit and would like to sing with someone else...work out the harmonies etc.Types of music: Squeeze, Beatles,Reggae,Ska,summer kind of songs...Everybody's gotta learn sometimes Korgis, World of water, Sanctuary,Living by Numbers New Musik,Funky stuff,Mowtown,all sorts of stuff!!
This has been a dream of mine and it would be fantastic do at long last!! So come on...please get in touch!!Age doesn't matter or sex, the main thing is, that we click musically and we have a bloody good time!! Thankyou! smile