I am new at guitars, and I am looking for suggestions on an amp in the future. I have virtually no experience at what is good and what isn't. My current amp is a Bronze by B.C. Rich.
2 2008-01-30 05:09:59
Topic: I am new, and, I believe I need help. (4 replies, posted in Electric)
Hi, I recently bought a Silvertone SS-11, and I have always wanted a guitar...now I have it...and I don't know what to do with it a friend taught me 'Smoke on the Water', and basically how to read tabs, and switching frets, and the basic principle power chords...But I need a little more guidance and a few more lessons, if anyone would provide lessons, or give me some websites or books that they learned from.
3 2008-01-30 05:02:48
Re: is a electric guitar player in danger? (31 replies, posted in Electric)
Two Things. One: Its a mouse. A mouse =/= To a Human. So you could play music to mice? I can to. Also you played music to these mice for *10 HOURS* quite frankly, I wouldn't be happy either. BTW, Congratulations on killing mice.
I forgot. I'm pretty sure its because of the heavy metal I listen to.
Sincerely, Zax.