Hi all you music lovers out there,  I have a 1967-68 Ovation and I can't seem to find the rest of the information I'm looking for. It's an  ( 1121-4 model ) and  serial ( F-442 ), black numbers on a square label, made in ( N-H, Conn, U.S.A). I checked on the Ovation site in their history section and i find that it's made between July 67 and Nov 68. Their very first line of production was in Feb 67. I'm trying to find out what the serial number means ? F-442. Would any one know enough about the Ovation to give me as much info as possible, exact date of production and maybe the sale price back than and the possible value today. I know it's a beautiful and a very good sounding guitar , wouldn't change it for anything. I started playing in 1967 and this is my very first Ovation and to top it all off, it was a gift from my brother in-law,yes I know, very nice guy he is and in deed he is a nice person , also a musician who plays in a band with a few other beautiful guitars. all between 1958 to 1967. But anyhow if anyone can give me all the help available it will be much appreciated.Thank you very much in advance.

Hi all you music lovers,

  I'm looking to get some info about my guitar.It's a 1967 Ovation 1121-4, square label,black numbers , serial F-442.  I've traced the model number on the ovation site that tells me it's a 67 but I'd like to know the exact date of production and if possible it's value. It's in excellent condition and has been modified to electric.  I would appreciate all the information as possible.

                                                                                      Thank You very much for the help.


Hi all you music lovers,

  I'm looking to get some info about my guitar.It's a 1967 Ovation 1121-4, square label,black numbers , serial F-442.  I've traced the model number on the ovation site that tells me it's a 67 but I'd like to know the exact date of production and if possible it's value. It's in excellent condition and has been modified to electric.  I would appreciate all the information as possible.

                                                                                      Thank You very much for the help.