Pretty crazy - You dont have to ever touch the tuning keys cause itll tune itself and you have every tuning ( like drop d and all that) at your disposal cause it does those too. The only bad thing about it is the price. Like 3 thousand or somthing.
Anyone on here own one?

Well Ive had about a month since my last post so heres the next one...
I have been trying still to get a solid practice date and it sucks b/c I have almost no ones number to get a hold of and not seems enthusiastic but me and god man this is becoming more of a job than a band... Im just hoping they'll get their crap together so we can actually start this thing up.
But as of this moment we are called either Less Than Three (Which I believe is (Sadly) already taken),
Anom (which has absolutley nothing to do with  Amon Amarth, until the other night we had never heard of them, Anom is short for the word Anomie which you can look up if your so intrigued)
OR Nihilst (which is close to the meaning of Anomie.)
So we have our names. We have our website... "ish" it is uhh... I will post it later after I finish it up and clairify it with the guys but if you want to check it out now its...   Just click that.
And we found our bassist... well - sort of found our bassist...
Anyone got any advice on a good way to get us up and running?
Thanks Rodney.


(73 replies, posted in Electric)

Whats up man, Im 16. Ive got a Gibson Epiphone Special SG. I have been playing for about five months now and yeah heres my email if you guys ( girls preferably) want to talk off of here


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ok thanks for reading this first off and heres my question: If I put my original lyrics and tablature on this website can I be certain that there is no way possible for anyone to steal them and use them as their own? I want to put my stuff on here but i just want to make sure no one can take it from me. Please reply back, thank you.

Yep Im getting together a band of guys who play down in Conroe/Porter/New Caney Texas. We are currently disscussing the location of our practice house and until last night I had no idea if I were going to be apart of this but now I am. Next Weds is our first Schedueled Practice I hope.
We need a good name still. But The Original members are as Follow:
Argelio De'leon-----Guitarist
The Macdonald Bros. ( I cant remember their names But One is Jeremy) They play Guitar and Drums
And Rodney Givens (Me)-----Supposed Lead Singer/Guitarist.
Until things get on the road we are that Young Nameless Unknown Texas Rock Band and I hope it doesn't stay Nameless.
Ive been doing more playing/practicing/songwriting/and singing than ever before... ugh. Im tired and I hope this will be worth it.
I will be putting some of our lyrics on here shortly under the Subject : "Lyrics Of that Young Nameless Unknown Texas Rock Band" I want to see true Criticism on these, guys. Don't Just Say Yes, I hope you say no to them at times. My first one should be something about "Sanity"

See Ya later,
Rodney Givens Of That Young, Nameless, Unknown, Texas Rock Band.

Questions/Comments? SEND THEM TO:


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

Hi Everyone- my name is Rodney and I recently bought an Gibson Epiphone Special SG (I think thats what its called) and Im trying to figure out how to read the sheet music on this site and on another I use.... Can some one post up what everything means and how to read it for me?
Thank you and any contribution to this lost cause would bring me great joy.