(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

P.S.the song is       "song of life"


(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

After enough pain you're left with one alternative.Surgery.But how I have noticed  the years go by when I see Alan Jackson doing a song(trying to do)recently that I was playing 35 years ago.I realize he is not worthy to play a song like that especially when he's not even playing the chords it takes to bring the song to life.The guy who wrote the original taught it to me in F.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks Old Doll,
                          A reply of any kind was my hope.I don't re-call mentioning shame though.The only shame in my life is the result from a concept called cause and effect.I spent 46 years living an extreme radical life which has left me with quite a legondary reputation as a "He's Trouble" in the minds of those who do not know me as a person,or an individual.Diagnosed with A.D.H.D. at 46 was a fast curve ball explaining my history of living on the edge.The reason I said concept earlier is because in my search for reconstructing a new life,the theory of cause and effect is only a theory because society as a whole refuses to admit there is any logic to the theory.It provides them with a quick fix to the error of judgement.But in 9 days I will be 49 and the answer to my lack of ability in reading music must be resolved.I can only share the music I write by sound if you know what I mean?Sharing words and chords are meaningless without knowing what kind of blue's the soul was feeling when the song was written.Did that make sense to you?Thanks for the reply though.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Reading music has held me back for year's.Back in the early 1970s I auditioned for a band by choosing the song Bobby Magee,while I was doing the Janice version,it did'nt take long to realize that this band had never heard the song done like this before.Of course they rejected me.And I thought all these years of stage fright was due to that.I know different now.I've been playing guitar and writing songs over 45 years,but cannot read a note.Many love my music and want me to play,some fear I will die with it in me.Does anyone think that the gift of hearing it is preventing me from being able to read it?I'll accept any criticism because I have nothing to lose and the clock is ticking.


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I am trying hard to solve you're problem because I can start and complete a song with-in an hour's time.I guess I need to know where these lyrics are coming from,are they just off the top of you're head?I ask this because most song lyrics are a manifestation from the rythem in you're heart,or a beat in you're soul.Maybe I would need to see a little of you're work to understand.I have been playing and writing for 45 years and have a little of everyone's soul in my character.All I can recommend is that you add you're heart into what you are writing and it will come together.