(13 replies, posted in Electric)

I dont care what brand a guitar is,I'm lucky to have one.Unlike most of you,I dont have a job and/or i dont have a parent who buys me new guitar just beacuse i want one.


(13 replies, posted in Electric)

Thats a nice guitar


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

How do you skip a string?I never knew how to do it...


(9 replies, posted in Electric)

Its more like 1.5 mm high when i looked at it last night.This is my guitar:

Natural finish
And I had to get it fixed up so i could play it.


(9 replies, posted in Electric)

SouthPaw41L wrote:

That's called the bridge and in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing,  it can and should be a fast, simple, and inexpensive repair. Before you have any work done on the guitar I would recommend that you put a fresh set of strings on your guitar. Sometimes a new set of strings is all that's needed.

Peace and Guitars,

Yeah the guy replaced the strings but he couldnt replace the bridge so i got a refund.


(0 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Anyone heard of these guys,there the best.


(9 replies, posted in Electric)

No theres nothing wrong with the neck....Itys the part on the body where the strings hooks into.That part of the guitar is making the strings rise higher than normal.And my guitar is kinda old so i would need a brand new one and I wont be getting a new one any soon.


(9 replies, posted in Electric)

Okay I have been playing electric guitar for a few months and my strings are higher than normal.I'e gone to a music store to get them fixed but the guy said he couldnt replace the thing were the strings go into.So now,I play but my strings are 3 millimeters to high. and it causes the guitar to make a buzzing sound except when i use my distortion pedal.