(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Oh, thank you. smile  Yes, isn't it a special feeling when you have the good kind of butterflies????


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thanks for the feedback, man. and i don't hammer on so much that my finger cramps....it is a relaxed and slow-paced song, with sort of a folky, country strumming vibe. don't kill yourself. smile


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i did get a date....i didn't write about it in the song because even though the dates went well, she didn't turn out to be "the one." i didn't want the song to end anticlimactically, so i ended it by leaving the listener hanging. she was sweet and we had a great times but no love. interestingly, i did tell myself that if i ever saw her again (i moved away to another town), i would play the song for her. i did, you'll be happy to know, play the song for her about 6 months later when i visited her town and randomly ran into her. she got a tear in her eye, smiled hugely while listening, and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said that no one had ever done anything that special for her. so....good ending. maybe i can work THAT part into another verse?? thank you both for your interest and comments!!!! smile D

ps...good luck with "life in the key of D". my name is D as well so i am eager to see what you come up with.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I had a crush on a girl who worked at the same place I did, but I had never met her and had no way to interact with her other than to either walk up to her at her desk or in the cafeteria. In both places she was surrounded by female coworkers that I didn't know either. I had a dilemma....risk embarrassing her in front of her coworkers, or just not ask her out. A coworker of mine suggested I ask her out with a note. I said no way, that that would be ridiculous. My coworker said to me that it didn't matter how I asked her out...if she liked me, she liked me, and if she didn't, she didn't. A note wouldn't be poorly received; she would be flattered. So I did it. With a note. My coworker delivered the note. I felt like I was in third grade all over again. The girl's name was Rose. Oh, and the F and G chords in the bridge only get 2 strums instead of 4 like the rest of the song.

One Little Roseby Dennis Howe

4/4, 74bpm, slow, quiet strum

[C]I asked out a girl with a note toda-[F]y

[C]Masters' degree but I'm still in the thi-[F]rd grade

[C]I asked out a girl with a note toda-[G]y

Yes I did[C] [F] [C] [F]

[C]They say that the end justifies the mea-[F]ns

When the [C]game is over it's the scoreboard that we s-[F]ee

[C]They say that the end justifies the mea-[G]ns

Yes they do[C] [F]

[F]Now the butterflies in-[G]side me flutter a-[C]round

And my [F]feet float 10,000 [G]miles off of the [C]ground

I try to [F]speak but [G]out comes no [Am]sound, no

[F] I'm en-[G]chanted [C]

[Dm]Yes, by one little Ro-[G]se

So fragrant and sw-[Em]eet, it's taken a-[Am]hold of me

Its [Dm]beauty blooms unpara-[G]lleled, it's all I see [C] [Em]

[Dm]No I don't need no fancy bou-[G]quet of flowers you [Em]see

This one is e-[Am]nough for me

I've [Dm]found myself one little Ro-[G]se and it suits me perfectly

[C] [F] [C] [F]

[C]I never expected that she would cal-[F]l

[C]Didn't think I'd get any attention at al-[F]l

[C]I never expected that she would cal-[G]l

But she did[C] [F] [C] [F]

[C]I wonder where it is we'll head from he-[F]re

[C]Will she become special or disap-[F]pear

[C]I wonder where it is we'll head from he-[G]re

Yes I do[C] [F]

[F]Now the butterflies in-[G]side me flutter a-[C]round

And my [F]feet float 10,000 [G]miles off of the [C]ground

I try to [F]speak but [G]out comes no [Am]sound, no

[F] I'm en-[G]chanted [C]

[Dm]Yes, by one little Ro-[G]se

So fragrant and sw-[Em]eet, she's taken a-[Am]hold of me

Her [Dm]beauty blooms unpara-[G]lleled, she's all I see [C] [Em]

[Dm]No I don't need no fancy bou-[G]quet of flowers you [Em]see

This one is e-[Am]nough for me

I've [Dm]found myself one little Ro-[G]se and she suits me perfectly

[C] [F] [C] [F]

[C]I asked out a girl with a note toda-[F]y

[C]Masters' degree but I'm still in the thi-[F]rd grade

[C]I asked out a girl with a note toda-[G]y

Yes I did[C]


(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Why do some people open up physically but avoid any emotional connection whatsoever??? So confusing.

Why?Dennis Howe

4/4 time, 125 bpm, capo 5

(play Am7 like a C without fretting the ring finger, and play Em7 like Em without fretting the ring finger. Each Am7

      and Em7 gets 2 measures in the verse. Occasionally hammer on B string while playing Am7 chord and

      on the B or high E string while playing Em7 chord. Each F#m and G#m get one measure in the chorus.)

Am7, Am7, Em7, Em7   x  2

[Am7]You're intriguing, baby, that's for su-[Em7]re [Am7]

I wanna taste a little mo-[Em7]re

[Am7]I'm always one step behind, you're [Em7]gonna make me lose my mind [Am7]

Well you've pierced me to the co-[Em7]re

[Am7]Since the first time that you called my na-[Em7]me [Am7]

I just haven't been the sa-[Em7]me

[Am7]Down is up and up is down, [Em7]silence is a deafening sound [Am7]

I think I'm gonna go in-[Em7]sane

[F#m] It's magic [G#m]physically

[F#m] Oh I can [G#m]feel the sparks fly

[F#m] But emotional-[G#m]ly you're distant

[strum Em7 once] Why-ay-ay-ay-[Am7]ay [Em7][Am7][Em7]

[Am7]Is there something that I'm missing he-[Em7]re [Am7]

Together we're opaque instead of cl-[Em7]ear

[Am7]Draw a picture for me girl so [Em7]I can find your hidden pearl [Am7]

And I will take you to the stratos-[Em7]phere

[Am7]What is it that makes you shy a-[Em7]way

When [Am7]conversation turns toward future da-[Em7]ys

[Am7]On a pedestal you'll be if [Em7]you commit to loving me [Am7]

And I will sing your praises every d-[Em7]ay

[F#m] It's magic [G#m]physically

[F#m] Oh I can [G#m]feel the sparks fly

[F#m] But emotional-[G#m]ly you're distant

[strum Em7 once] Why-ay-ay-ay-[Am7]ay [Em7][Am7][Em7]

[Am7]Can't you give me just a little cl-[Em7]ue [Am7]

I've no idea what to d-[Em7]o

[Am7]Do you have feelings for me or [Em7]am I just temporary [Am7]

Will it be soon that we bid a-[Em7]dieu?

[F#m] It's magic [G#m]physically

[F#m] Oh I can [G#m]feel the sparks fly

[F#m] But emotional-[G#m]ly you're distant

[strum Em7 once] Why-ay-ay-ay-[strum Am7 once]ay

Very clever lyrics. smile


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hello everyone. When I post a song, is there a way I can edit the chords that Chordie automatically places in the chord grids? What if I don't want the "normal" F# chord but I want a different variation of it, for example? Thanks!


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

My ex-girlfriend called me one day for the first time in over a year. She had found some of my shit and wanted an address to send it to. Turns out it was very important stuff that I thought I still had so it was a very generous gesture on her part, especially given the way we'd parted. The call sent me on a trip down memory lane and reminded me that no matter how much time goes by, it still doesn't take much to make me reminisce about the way it was with her. This song reflects those thoughts. Enjoy.

Not So Ordinary DayDennis Howe

4/4 time, 125 bpm

(throughout verse...on Em chord, hammer-on F# note on high E-string, and

      on C chord, hammer-on either D note on B-string or G note on high E-string,

      and on D chord, use sus-2 and sus-4 as desired)

(on D chord at end of verse and on C, Em chords in chorus, strum 2 measures instead of one)

[Em] [C] [Em] [C]

[Em]I opened my eyes this morning [C]to greet another ordinary [Em]day[C]

[Em]Never did I see a warning [C]I rolled out of bed in the usual [Em]way[C]

[Em]My hot mocha coffee and my morning [C]paper, well, they never uttered a [Em]word[C]

[Em]But I figured it out when I found your [C]letter and I knew today I'd en-[D]dure

[G]A not so [D]ordinary [C]day

[G]Your sleeping [D]memory is now a[C]wakened in my brain

[G]A not so [D]ordinary [Em]day

[G]Thought I was [D]over you, thought that [C]time erased my pain...but I was

[Em]wrong [C] [Em] [C]

[Em]Your letter reads you've mailed me a [C]few things, oh, you found that I left be[Em]hind [C]

[Em]The gesture sure is appreci-[C]ated but now nostalgia steals my [Em]mind [C]

[Em]Barefoot strolls along the [C]beach and reading books to each other in [Em]bed [C]

[Em]Lazy Sunday morning [C]loving, God I can't get it out of my [D]head

It's now become a....[G]A not so [D]ordinary [C]day

[G]Your sleeping [D]memory is now a-[C]wakened in my brain

[G]A not so [D]ordinary [Em]day

[G]Thought I was [D]over you, thought that [C]time erased my pain...but I was

[Em]wrong[C] [Em] [C]

[Em]I pull out my favorite [C]picture and I'm taken to a favorite [Em]time [C]

You're [Em]cooking in nothing but an itty-bitty, see-through [C]apron and holding a big glass of [Em]wine [C]

[Em]We once loved with unbridled [C]passion and now I'm wondering why'd I walk a-[Em]way [C]

[Em]Occasionally I manage to for-[C]get you but the inevitable price I [D]pay

[G]Is the not so [D]ordinary [C]days

[G]When your sleeping [D]memory is a[C]wakened in my brain

[G]A not so [D]ordinary [Em]day

[G]When I'm re[D]-minded time still [C]hasn't healed my pain....no, no, [Em]no

Em, C   x  3

finish on Em


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Attempt at song #2. The song is entiredly strummed except for:

On the Am7 and Dm chords, each time I play them, the first time I strum them I hammer-on the D# and the F note, respectively, with my index finger and then after that I just strum them normally.

Flyby Dennis Howe

in 4/4 time, 87 bpm

[Cmaj7] One foot in front of the [Amin7]other [Dm] seems such a si[G]mple thing to do[Cmaj7]

Yet I'm sle[Am7]epwalking, [Dm] daydreaming, and I'm [G]tripping, yeah I'm falling for yo-[Cmaj7]u [Am7][Dm][G]

[Cmaj7] When the su[Am7]nshine greets me in the [Dm]morning, I'd [G]swear you're lying next to me[Cmaj7]

In my dr[Am7]eams we were to[Dm]gether, and when I wake, for a [G]second it's reali[Dm]ty

My heart is br[G]eaking for you [Dm]

My soul is a[G]ching for you [Dm]

What will it ta[G]ke for you to........

(Cmaj7, Am7, Dm, G x 1)

[Cmaj7] I spend ho[Am7]urs daily remi[Dm]niscing of the [G]shivers from your velvety to[Cmaj7]uch

That elec[Am7]tricity when we're [Dm]kissing...I've never [G]craved any sensation so mu[Dm]ch

My heart is br[G]eaking for you[Dm]

My soul is a[G]ching for you[Dm]

What will it ta[G]ke for you......

(Cmaj7, Am7, Dm, G x 2)

[Dm]My heart is a[G]ching for you [Dm]

My soul is br[G]eaking for you[Dm]

What will it ta[G]ke for you to.........

[Cmaj7]Finally tear down your insur[Am7]mountable wall

and [Dm]let me in baby yeah just [G]let yourself fall

Ex[Cmaj7]perience emotions you're su[Am7]ppressing within

and [Dm]feel how good it feels crawling [G]into my skin

For[Cmaj7]getting all your worries and just [Am7]focusing here

there [Dm]ain't a single doubt, no it's a[G]bundantly clear

That to[Cmaj7]gether we've a happiness no [Am7]money can buy

and [Dm]if you'll only take my hand then [G]we will surely[Cmaj7] fl-[Am7]y[Dm] [G]

Surely we will fl-[Cmaj7] [Am7]y, ye[Dm]ah [G]

Together we can fl-[Cmaj7] [Am7] [Dm]yyyy [G]

Come let us.... [Cmaj7 (strum once)]fly


(0 replies, posted in Songwriting)

It's pretty obvious from the lyrics that I'm smitten with this girl and wonder why she resists when we so clearly share a chemistry and passion. This is my first post here and I am new to songwriting, with between 10-15 songs written thus far.

Possibilityby Dennis Howe

strummed strongly, 55 bpm, 3/4 time

[Am]Why c[G]an’t y[F]ou see?

[Am]Why c[G]an’t y[F]ou see?

[Am]Humbly I’m s[G]tanding before you

[Am]Admitting I s[G]ure do adore you

[Am]So why c[G]an’t y[C]ou see?

[Am]We’ve got a st[G]rong che[F]mistry

[Am]Every[G]body else ca[F]n see

[Am]It feels so na[G]tural to hold you

[Am]It feels just li[G]ke it’s supposed to

[Am]So why c[G]an’t y[C]ou see?

[C]See that I’m standing with [G]arms open wide

[Dm]See the explosion when [G]our hearts collide

[C]See how the passion we [G]share has got me be[Dm]side my[G]self

[C]See that together we’ve [G]such synergy

[Dm]See how we mix like a [G]sweet potpourri

[C]S[G]e[Dm]e the possi[G]bilit[C]y

[Am]When you sm[G]ile ten[F]derly

[Am]It touches the [G]deepest part o[F]f me

[Am]You shine with the b[G]rightest of bright light

[Am]You light up the d[G]arkest of dark night

[Am]So why c[G]an’t y[C]ou see?

[Am]I want [G]us t[F]o be free

[Am]To blossom [G]individu[F]ally

[Am]But I would go an[G]ywhere with you

[Am]I’d walk day and ni[G]ght just to kiss you

[Am]So why c[G]an’t y[C]ou see?

[C]See that I’m standing with [G]arms open wide

[Dm]See the explosion when [G]our hearts collide

[C]See how the passion we [G]share has got me be[Dm]side my[G]self

[C]See that together we’ve [G]such synergy

[Dm]See how we mix like a [G]sweet potpourri

[C]S[G]e[Dm]e the possi[G]bilit[C]y

[Am]So why c[G]an’t y[F]ou see?

[Am]Everything [G]we can ac[F]hieve

[Am]Together we be[G]come even stronger

[Am]There’s nothing that [G]we cannot conquer

[Am]In [G]us, I[C] believe.


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

James, great song! Say, how did you type out your song with the lyrics and the chords above them in blue? Did you do it in MS Word or an equivalent word processing software program? Did you do it in some special songwriting software? I have a few songs I want to type out, but if there's an easier way than trying to get it all lined up right in Word, I'd love to know!
