I'm a newbie with about three weeks of playing. I practice for an hour or two total daily, but usually only 10-15 minutes at a time. My fingers are starting to harden up, but I have some questions about the care & feeding of calluses.
1) I have enough thickness so that my fingers don't hurt much anymore, but at the same time, I might as well be wearing leather gloves when it comes to using my fingertips for just about anything. Will I still be able to feel the strings when these really develop?
2) Is it normal for each fingertip to have a groove cut in the callus? I don't mean a dent left over from fretting hard, but an actual groove cut into the hardened skin. It looks I've been playing the ignition file, not the guitar.
3) Should I emery down my calluses slightly to give a flat surface or anything similar? Is there any trick to it?
4) I've heard about soaking my fingers in lemon juice or vinegar before practice, but I've also heard that I'm not supposed to get my fingers wet before practice. What's this about?
5) If I should be so lucky, will my lover object to my scratchy calluses? Does anyone have any recommendations? (Not about finding a new GF -- just about the callus bit. And let's keep this one clean, folks.)
Thanks much everyone.
-- Etan