(231 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Two ducks were swimming in a pond when the one duck looked at the other duck and said, "Quack!" The other duck looked back and said, "Oh my God! I was just about to say that!"

Great topic! I know this may seem like I'm riding the fence here, but I find both equally important. You can have a great melody or great lyrics, but if they don't match up, the song stinks. Happy lyrics with a dark toned melody just doesn't work and vice versa. I've heard music without lyrics and have been moved emotionally, same with great peotry. Combine a great melody with great lyrics and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I think that's why we all love to play and/or write songs with lyrics. It's the ultimate form of expression.

Pix is right that there are certain requirements to run for a county sheriff position. At least that's true in MN...pretty sure that's true in all states. Most police cheifs around my area are appointed, but many larger cities have elected police cheifs...not sure if they have requirements but I would assume they would. Many counties in MN have auditors (cheif financial officers for the county) that are elected but there are no requirements to run for the position. So a guy like me who can't even keep his checkbook balanced could run for county auditor and manage millions of dollars for the county...makes sense doesn't it?

I'll ditto the capo advice as well. Getting a song into a key that you are more comfortable with will certainly help and you'll be able to sing more confidently.

As far singing and playing at the same time...I've always found it helps to tap my foot. It helps me keep the strumming rhythm better. The other thing I do is use the most basic strumming pattern when I first learn a song. Down-down-down....(or you could just strum at chord changes too) It doesn't sound great at first but it gives you a chance to learn the chord progression without having to make real quick chord changes. Once you've mastered the progression and found the right key (with a capo), you'll be able to start to feel the rhythm of the song and the strumming will come natural. Keep after it, I'm sure you'll have dozens of songs that you can confindently belt out in no time!


(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I'll ditto what so many people have said in earlier posts. I can empathize with you to a degree because I've also had some bad experiences with people from my church as well. I've realized that those people make up the vast minority in most churches and people that treated you like that for "questioning" their denominational beliefs are letting religion overrule the guiding principles of the doctrine. Forgive...forget...you'll find that you'll become a stronger person for it.

You obviously have the desire to play and get better despite what has happened to you in the past which, IMO, is 99% of the battle. You WON'T get good, heck, you won't get decent at guitar unless you have the desire to play...period. You have that desire so I'm sure you'll succeed. I also refer to my signature when I'm giving up as well...wise jedi, yoda is...

Check out the free lesson sites stated above. But I would have to strongly encourage you to get your guitar into a guitar shop and get it set up properly as the wise jerome oneil suggested. Guitar is hard enough to play as it is...you don't need your guitar fighting you too! A proper set up will lessen the frustrations.

Anyways, good luck in your quests...guitar and life!


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I agree with so many that have already been listed, but another I can think of is "A Knight's Tale"..."We will Rock" playing before a joust is just hillarious!

What about "Empire Records"...a lot of off the wall tunes that are pretty cool (pretty awesome movie too).

As far as an actual "score" for a movie, I really like the score for "Gladiator". I've heard it used in quite a few other films since, but it really fits the tone of the "Gladiator" perfectly.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

$2 million or $1.2 million are pretty exorbitant in this case and the punishment surely doesn't fit the crime (expecially when you find out who this money would be going to). I wouldn't feel too bad if they received a $5000 fine because what they did IS illegal (as long as the money is split between artists and labels). Many fines/punishments are larger than what they should be (i.e. $250 fine for throwing a candy wrapper out the window of your car). But I'm fine with that because it deters other people from doing the same. You shouldn't litter, you shouldn't drink and drive, and you shouldn't steal. In this case, the wrong people won, but that doesn't take away from the fact that these rum-dums were stealing! Come on, mp3s are only a buck! If you can't afford that you shouldn't have an ipod in the first place!


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Congrats Reb! Good luck to you in all of your future endeavors...by the way, what are your post HS plans?


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I, just like most people outside of the Carolinas, didn't expect the Canes to beat the Bruins...we were all wrong. Now everyone is picking the Penguins...I think I'll stick my money on the Canes! Good luck to topdowns team!


(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

It just seems like people have replaced "um" with "you know" or "well" (is a deep subject for shallow minds) or "so" (buttons on your underwear). The phrase I catch myself using a lot is "watcha gonna do"...in my defense though, I usually say that to someone who has complained about the same thing for about 10 minutes and I'm tired of hearing about it so it's basically my way of trying to politely tell them to quit their cryin"!

I've gotten so used of hearing everyone say these words or phrases that I kind of tune them out...watcha gonna do wink


(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

An 80 year old man went to see a doctor for a routine physical. The doctor asked, "Do you eat red meat?"
The man replied, "No, I hear eating red meat will give you high colesterol."
The doctor asked, "Do you drink alcohol?"
The old man replied, "No, alcohol can cause liver problems."
The doctor asked, "Do you use recreational drugs?"
The old man replied, "No, drugs are bad for you and you could overdose...so doc, do you think I'll live forever?"
The doctor replied, "Why would you want to?!"



(173 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I learned to play while I was working at a Lutheran camp out in the Black Hills so my very first song was "Humble Thyself". My first non-camp/praise song was "Wolves" by Garth Brooks...then I saw the light and realized that country stinks and my first rock song was "Be Like That" by 3 Doors Down.

Is it wrong to have 3 firsts?


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

topdown wrote:

WTF? U R all a bnch of geezrs. its the 21st C get w the times. txtng is the only way to comm 2day.


Disclaimer - I have never "texted" in my life and get angry every time I receive one. I gotta pay when someone sends me a message? Doesn't seem right. My friends don't spend my money that way.



(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I agree that the younger you are, the more you text. I have a "two text" rule. If someone texts me more than twice about the same subject, I just call them and get the matter settled. Partly because I'm a slow texter, mostly because I find it annoying to have my phone beeping at me all the time.

Cell phones in general get abused. I hate it when I'm at a meeting or giving a presentation and someone's phone rings (and they're always the ones with the really annoying rings too). I can understand if someone just forgets to turn the phone to vibrate, but there are some people who will answer it in the middle of a meeting...without walking outside! I mean, who doesn't have caller ID these days! Silence the phone and call them back at a break, or at least politely walk out and call them back if it's a super important call. I also like the people who will turn the phone to vibrate and then set it on the table in front of them so the whole room can here it when it buzzes...kinda defeats the purpose of setting it to vibrate doesn't it?

As far as texting and driving...that's insane! I watched a Mythbusters episode where they proved that just talking on a cell phone is more dangerous than driving around with a six beer buzz (just so we're clear, driving drunk is a bad idea too!). I'm sorry to hear that people are being injured and killed as a result of complete lack of common sense. I hope your buddy makes a full recovery Zurf!


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sorry to correct you again Kap, but the first documented game in North America was in Beachville...and it wasn't really baseball as we know it today (5 bases, 18 ft baselines, etc). There were actual references to baseball or "town ball" much earlier in the US. i.e. Pittsfield, MA banned it from being played close to their town hall 50 years before the Beachville game (they must have figured out that baseball and windows close by don't mix!). The first true baseball game (or pretty close to what we play today) was in New Jersey.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baseball#O … f_baseball

I know it's a technicallity but baseball is our national pastime! smile

jerome.oneil wrote:
normtheguitar wrote:

Tried to watch baseball once, but couldn't stand all the close-ups of players spitting. What's all that about? It's just not cricket, old boy!

That is correct.  It is not cricket.   Baseball has rules that make sense.  big_smile

Cricket was once described to me as seven straight days of drinking.   And while I can appreciate that, it doesn't make the game any more understandable.

I love baseball...but I hate the fact that so many of the players have a big plug of Red Man or Levi Garret in there cheek during the game, spittin their snoose all over the place. I started chewing tobacco cuz of baseball...still wish I never started. It's getting better than it used to be though.

Never understood cricket...I agree that the rules don't make sense. I always thought that hitting with a flat bat would take a lot of the sport out of it until I realized that you sometimes have to hit the ball off a bounce...that should be a Ball and you should take your base after four of them!


(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Two ducks were swimming in a pond and one of the ducks said, "Quack!" The other duck looked at him and said, "Oh my god! I was just about to say that!"

Football is the biggest sport here in the US. To answer Docs question, usually there isn't big pre-game and halftime shows at the games...that's just at the Super Bowl. By the way, go Vikes!

After football, I'd say it would go baseball, basketball, hockey (I'd put hockey ahead of basketball, but most other people wouldn't). NASCAR is popular down south but it doesn't gain much traction (no pun intended) up north. And I don't really consider it a sport...but if I did I would still rank below all the others because it's more regional than the others.

I will be the first one to say golf IS a sport Southpaw! Not as strenuous as tennis...but it takes a lot of athletic ability and talent to be good at it. Guys like Phil and Tiger are amazing! Did you see Phil's shot around the tree at the Masters? Wow! I can't hit a draw to save my life and he controled his so well that he put it a foot from the pin! Golf is definitely the number one leisure sport in Minnesota (MN has more golfers per capita than any other state), but I couldn't speak for the rest of the country.


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

selso wrote:
crowellb wrote:
selso wrote:

I second that

I don't know if I agree. I think you can call records from other eras into question as well. Was Babe Ruth really playing against the best of the best as he didn't play in a fully integrated league? Many of the pitching records were set when the mound was 6 inches higher (Bob Gibson's dominance forced MLB to lower it). Baseball has evolved over the years so it's not fair to compare stats and players across eras, and therefore, not fair to single out something different about the era and declare that they can't be in the HOF as a result.

I honestly feel hypocritical (and MLB should too) screaming about steroids in baseball because steroids put baseball back on the map. I turned my back on baseball after 94 like a number of other fans did. What brought me back? McGwire and Sosa...everyone knew they were juicin'...and no one cared because we all wanted a reason to watch baseball again. The casual fan loves the long ball (I dig the fundamentals and "small ball" because I grew up watching the Twins...and that's all they've ever played), so MLB, owners, and players looked the other way when it came to steroid use because: more HRs=more fans=more ticket/merchandise sales=more profit to team owners and higher salaries for the players. Basically, MLB and players put a product out there that we wanted...how can we be so irrate about steroid use now?

Don't get me wrong, I wish roids had never become a part of the game so players like Griffey, who most people believe did it the "right" way, could have been highlighted even more. We will never be able to separate users from non-users so I don't think steroids should be a factor in HOF voting. Now, with better testing procedures etc, we can be more confident that users will be caught (except HGH users) and then we could start keeping roid users out.

I agree with you to a point. Babe Ruth wasnt playing with the best because of racisim, thats a little different from whats happening today. I understand that the game has evolved, But changing the way its played is alot different then a bunch of guys"juiced" up. If they do it right and fair then no problem, But if they have to use a preformance  inhancer, then weres the sport in it? I also think the use of steroids has put a dark spot over what was a great game. All players are in question now, because of a few who couldnt do it on there own. What are we teaching our kids? If you cant do it, then cheat?
When I was a kid I so looked up to guys like Ken Griffey JR, Nolan Ryan, Orel Hershiser, Now I have to watch soccer! I love the sport and all ways will. GO CUBS!!!!

I hate the fact that steroids and other performance enhancing drugs have become a part of the game just as much as anyone else. I just don't think that if a player who played BEFORE MLB started more stringent testing (or even banned performance enhancers in the first place) should be kept out of the HOF if he is suspected of or admits to using performance enhancing drugs. Quite frankly, MLB turned a blind eye to steroid use in the 80's and 90's. Once a few players started juicin', other players started juicin' to be on a level playing field and to make sure that teams would want their services. Once a few started juicin', we started seeing roided out players with watermelon heads everywhere! Then Bud Selig gets pulled in front of Congress and acts surprised and upset that so many players were juicin'. Yes, using steroids is cheating, but I don't think the players should be penalized for a problem that MLB created in the first place.

Now, I think anyone caught juicin' NOW that MLB has banned performance enhancing drugs should be banned from baseball for life...no warnings...no exceptions...no HOF. If Pete Rose is banned for life for qambling (which was illegal for players and managers when Rose got caught), steroid users should be banned as well. It just goes to show that Bud Selig and MLB still don't care that much about roids...they consider gambling (a disease) to be worse than steroids. Put Charlie Hustle in the HOF!

LesPaulGuy, yes, baseball needs a salary cap!


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

selso wrote:
cameronkl7 wrote:

I don't think any of the players that have been proven to have taken steroids should ever even be allowed to visit the hall of fame, it's time to clean house in sports, just my opinion.


I second that

I don't know if I agree. I think you can call records from other eras into question as well. Was Babe Ruth really playing against the best of the best as he didn't play in a fully integrated league? Many of the pitching records were set when the mound was 6 inches higher (Bob Gibson's dominance forced MLB to lower it). Baseball has evolved over the years so it's not fair to compare stats and players across eras, and therefore, not fair to single out something different about the era and declare that they can't be in the HOF as a result.

I honestly feel hypocritical (and MLB should too) screaming about steroids in baseball because steroids put baseball back on the map. I turned my back on baseball after 94 like a number of other fans did. What brought me back? McGwire and Sosa...everyone knew they were juicin'...and no one cared because we all wanted a reason to watch baseball again. The casual fan loves the long ball (I dig the fundamentals and "small ball" because I grew up watching the Twins...and that's all they've ever played), so MLB, owners, and players looked the other way when it came to steroid use because: more HRs=more fans=more ticket/merchandise sales=more profit to team owners and higher salaries for the players. Basically, MLB and players put a product out there that we wanted...how can we be so irrate about steroid use now?

Don't get me wrong, I wish roids had never become a part of the game so players like Griffey, who most people believe did it the "right" way, could have been highlighted even more. We will never be able to separate users from non-users so I don't think steroids should be a factor in HOF voting. Now, with better testing procedures etc, we can be more confident that users will be caught (except HGH users) and then we could start keeping roid users out.


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

jerome.oneil wrote:

Ken Griffey Jr back in a Mariners uniform makes me very very happy.    Watching him belt a homer on opening day was perfect.

I've been a fan of Griffey since he started back in 89...but I wasn't excited to see him go deep against the Twins. I think it's appropriate for Griffey to go back to Seattle. We wouldn't even be arguing about whether Bonds should have an asterisk by his HR records if Griffey would have stayed healthy his entire career. Griffey should have desimated the HR Record. He definitely has the sweetest swing in baseball...still.

I was up at the game last night and the Twins put on a good show...for two innings...but it was still enought to get the W. I didn't know I could lose my voice in a half inning! Awesome game!

Lacey Mosley from Flyleaf can really belt it:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZZauVBV … re=related

Amy Lee from Evanescence is pretty good as well...I'm sure most of you have heard her sing before.


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Go Twins! I've been geared up for baseball since the Vikes bowed out of the playoffs in the first round...and the Wild haven't been anything special to watch this year either. But, I'm going to the game tomorrow which I'm stoked about! Just glad we have the Dome for one more year...would likely be throwing snowballs if we didn't have it!


(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My yard is too shady...and gravelly for a garden which is a bummer. I just moved in my place a year ago so I'm gonna do some landscaping this summer using compost and I'm gonna buy/build a rain barrel to water my plants.

Even though I don't have a garden, my mom has a huge garden with peas, green beans, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, and sweet corn that I get to "borrow" from every once in awhile. I also help my dad with his 400 acre garden as well! Same concept as gardening...we just use a bigger hoe!


(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Been out for a few days but I'm glad to see there were people that celebrated Earth Hour. My job is to encourage (or force) people to protect the environment so it's always good to see the ideas like Earth Hour catching on because it makes it seem like my efforts, and other people efforts, are doing some good. We always do something with area students for Earth Day and show an environmental film like "an inconvenient truth" (which is pretty out dated now) at our local theater to promote environmental awareness. I just hope that we all live Earth Day or Earth Hour every day.

Thanks RavenLady for starting the thread and thanks Zurf for teaching your kids about environmental awareness. smile