Thanks a lot for the quick reply. I am going to download this program.
2 2009-06-24 18:21:36
Topic: I don't know my notes (3 replies, posted in Electric)
I am a beginner. I know a lot of chords and even some scales but it is hard for me to memorize notes. I do understand some things like scales are named for the notes it begins with (right), but is it necessary to know where every note is on the neck? I may be mixing apples with oranges. Do I need to know this for playing for instance the A Minor Pentatomic Scale? Any suggestions for a newby is appreciated.
3 2007-10-10 19:11:17
Re: questions for a beginner (12 replies, posted in Electric)
Man!!!This has really helped out a lot! I can't wait to get home from work to start practicing. My wife won't like it though. Again my thanks to all, this is helpful.
4 2007-10-09 21:46:43
Re: questions for a beginner (12 replies, posted in Electric)
Thanks for the reply. So when you see:
--3---3---3---3- | --3-----3-3----- | --0-----3------- | --0---2---3---3- |
--3---3---3---3- | --3-------3---1- | --1-------1---1- | --1---3---3---3- |
---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- |
---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | --------0------- |
------2-------3- | ------3-3-3---0- | ------0-0-0---3- | ---------------- |
3--------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | --------------3- |
I know you pick the the low e first, then do you strum the b and high e at the same time? That is the confusing part to me because that doesn't look like a chord. I know I probably sound very elementary in regards to this. I can learn the chords in order to play this particular song, but it seems like some songs sound better picked. This is an exerpt from More than Words by Extreme.
5 2007-10-09 15:36:06
Topic: questions for a beginner (12 replies, posted in Electric)
I am new playing the guitar. I bought my son a first act last Christmas, but I am the one really trying to learn to play it. (Fathers should take note there I can play a few chords and move around a bit, but I am still slow with moving around at this point. When I look at a song written in tab from this site, it is difficult for me to quickly find the notes to play with my fretting hand. Are tabs a particular chord shape that are picked individually? What is a good way for me to start practicing this? When picking notes, how is your picking hand, i.e. are you using a pick or using a claw technique?
Thanks a lot